Wednesday 6 September 2017

Deja Vu

   Every year around this time, I have a conversation with myself about getting organized. It's detailed and harsh. I call myself a few nasty names and even promise rewards for accomplishments.  And every year the outcome is the same. I fail. Badly. Really badly.

  This year is going to be different though. This year I'm going to set the bar so low that even I will seem successful. That's right, by lowering my expectations I will accomplish my goals. For example my first goal is to clean out the utensils drawer. That's it. Throw away the things that don't work and wash out the tray. Fifteen minutes tops. That's attainable right?

  In previous years I think I've made the list too long and too complex. Picking one small task a day might just make me not hate my disorganized house. I might even pick a time every day to complete it. Make it a routine. Do it while I'm enjoying my morning coffee. Multi-tasking at it's best. 

  Tomorrow I will awaken with a new mind set. A new determination. Energy and initiative. I will be successful. I will become organized. I can feel it in my bones.

  Why do I have this over whelming sense of deja vu??????


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