Friday 24 November 2017


   In celebration of Thanksgiving for our friends to the south, ours was last month, I have compiled a list of things I am thankful for. 

  I am very thankful for my furnace this chilly morning. Living in Canada means at least four months of frigid temperatures. It doesn't mean we have to like it though. With the days getting colder and colder, it's probably the most important thing in our house.

  My slow cooker has a special place in my heart these days. Before the sun comes up, dinner is made and will be ready at the perfect time. I only discovered this life-altering appliance a few years ago but it's now my go-to at least twice a week in the winter.

  The heated seats in my car are a real blessing. While it takes a while for the car to defrost, the heat is almost instantaneous from the seats. I like that. A lot. Now if only the price of gas would lower.

  I'm thankful for my friends. They not only keep me sane but more importantly, out of jail. When I've hit my limit for stupidity they haul me back from the brink. No small feat let me tell you. 

  Most importantly I'm thankful for my family. The three amazing men I live with most of all. They drive me crazy and are the entire reason I have grey hair. Yet they bring more happiness to my life than I ever could have imagined!

  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


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