Tuesday, 28 November 2017


 As we come into the Christmas season, I'm becoming quite sentimental, which isn't me most of the time. My mind turns to other friends and family I haven't seen or heard from in years. Those that are still here and those that sadly are not. 

  Of course my Dad is the number one person on my mind. Dad loved Christmas lights like no one else. I would jokingly say that the astronauts on the International Space Station could see his house as they circled the earth. And I wasn't necessarily kidding. He also liked a good turkey dinner but one meal was enough. No hot turkey sandwiches for him. I wish my kids could have one more memory to cherish. But he lives on in Alex's weird sense of humor and Riley's slurping of soup. 

  I would love to have a party where Tom, Lew, Charmaine, Joyce and Catherine are guests. Janice, Vince, Darlene, Ralph and Donna would be there too. We would laugh and catch up. Then laugh some more. Maybe have a beverage or two.

  My next party would bring my family together. Our big extended family. Those by choice not blood. Janet & Dan would be there with Will & Tammy. Hugh & Heather would bring Nicole and Erin. Joe would meet Verna & John. The Laugher clan would hang out with Darrell who would tell them stories of us as 20 somethings. Angie Kelly would be there with her infectious laugh....even though she is Mrs. Landry now she will forever be a Kelly to me. What an evening this would be!

  The final soiree would be all our blood family. All at one table. Eating, laughing and reminiscing. Brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles. Everyone. No one would argue. No one would cry except tears of laughter. We'd take pictures where everyone looked happy and content. From the oldest, Granddad, to the youngest, Vada, we would have the time of our lives. The best Christmas ever.

  But those are just dreams. We won't all physically be in the same place this year. In fact we never all will. It's hard enough getting siblings together let alone extended family. This year though we can all be together in our hearts if nowhere else.

  So can all of you. Call, text, Facetime or Skype. Find a way. Don't let the miles stop you from enjoying those still on this planet. And fondly remember those who are not. 


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