Friday 26 January 2018

A Letter To All Women

  Dear Women,

    I'm not one to give unsolicited advice but on this one issue I'm going to break with tradition and give you some. And I want you to listen very carefully. It's important for every woman to do what I ask.

  #MeToo is a major change for all women in the workplace. Every single one of us. It's a movement to make us safer and more respected. I cannot stress enough the impact it can have on our choices and opportunities. This is our bra burning. 

  Here's what I ask of all women.....Do not lie. Do not stretch the truth. Do not embellish. Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Even if people do not believe you or question your motives. Tell only the truth. 

  The first time someone can prove that a woman lied about facts or added a few "details" it's over. The entire movement is finished. Every man will remind us of that situation and use it to plant doubt in people's minds. And it will work.

  We all want a reason to believe our friends, family or coworkers. Even celebrities. We want to believe that the accusers are wrong. Or confused. Surely we would have seen who this person really was. So if we are given an out....a lot of folks will take it. And one lie will give the harassers just the ammunition.

  This is a turning point. An opportunity women have never seen before. Our voices are heard. Our truths believed. Our courage celebrated. 

  Please don't ruin it for all of us.


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