Saturday 27 January 2018


  Since there was an early morning hockey game, I find myself already caffeinated before 7 am....on a Saturday. There is something wrong with this picture. But it's too late now so I'm going to make the best of my situation. Lemonade from the lemons so to speak.

  I've never been a morning person. Ever. Yet every morning I'm up and mobile before six. One of the many blessings of children. With the chaos that seems to be necessary to get them out the door, the idea of heading back to bed rarely crosses my mind. Well it crosses my mind but I rarely listen.

  This morning though I feel cheated. As if I was entitled to sleep in. It's the weekend after all. Didn't I deserve those yearned for two, maybe three, extra hours of sleep? Then guilt overcomes me. John, who is up daily at 5, has taken Riley to the game. He is the one driving the hour and a half in the early morning darkness. In the van where heat is a maybe most of the time. 

  Guilt be damned....I'm going back to bed.


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