Wednesday 17 January 2018


  Today is international Break Your New Year's Resolutions day! Wow I guess someone knew just how quickly people tire of eating healthy, exercising and not smoking. Everyone I know, who have shared their resolutions, haven't even really begun yet. 

  The idea of starting off a new year right is very appealing. A clean slate so to speak. But according to experts it's the worst day to begin and almost certain failure follows. So why do we do it? Why would we set ourselves up to fail? Because we want to succeed.

 We feel if we start on the first day, of the new month, of a new year, we will achieve our goals. Simple. The newness will encourage us. And lots of other people will be starting their own challenges. We can all help each other. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case.

  Look we all should aim for something. Whether it's life changing or just minor tweaking. But we shouldn't kick ourselves when we stumble, fall or quit. We need to get up, dust ourselves off and try again. 

  Oh well maybe next year.


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