Sunday 20 May 2018

A Royal Wedding & Peter Mansbridge

 Yesterday I complained about the continuous coverage of the royal wedding. It seemed so frivolous, out of touch and a huge waste of money. I wondered what else was going on in the world other than this. But after multiple times going through the roughly 150 channels we subscribe to, I was resigned to ignorance on world affairs of the morning.

  I didn't care about the dress, the guests, the pageboys or the Queen. There was no interest in the ceremony, who sat where, or whether Fergie got to sit with the family. Beard or no beard? Couldn't have cared less. 

  Would they kiss? Who would walk her down the aisle? Will the children behave? No interest at all. Zero. I was so over the hype of the last few weeks. 

  But then late last night, Peter Mansbridge of all people changed my mind completely. He made me see this wedding in a different light and why it really was important.

  Think about the last month's news. Fires, floods, mass shootings, plane crashes. Robberies, deaths, anarchy, terrorism. Racism, deadly force, children dying, Ebola outbreaks. All were brought to the small screen on a daily basis, in graphic detail. It makes us sad, depressed and with no faith in humanity.

  Then along comes a wedding. A joyous time. Where friends and family come together and celebrate. It's happiness and laughter and love in the spotlight. It's hope for humanity. Most importantly it's a chance to focus on good not bad.

  Add to it that the groom is a young man who we watched grieve for his much-beloved mother. Who finally seems to be getting his happily-ever-after. And the bride becomes a princess just like in a fairy tale. A love story pure and simple.

   I get it now. It's not a waste of time and money to show the world the wedding. It's a chance to show us there is still happiness and joy on this earth. That love can take us out of the chaos and show us the better side of ourselves. There is hope for humanity.

  Congratulations Harry & Meghan. May you have a lifetime filled with joy, happiness, and love. And thank you for giving us a reason to smile and celebrate in these very sad and trying times.

  Thank you Mr. Mansbridge, for reminding me that in the midst of chaos there is still happiness. And why it's so very important to celebrate it while we can. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

  I guess  I needed to be reminded of that!


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