Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Dear Donald Trump

  Dear Donald Trump,

  It seems to me, and the rest of the world, that you have missed the review of "How To Be A Leader During A Crisis" that the rest of the world leaders have taken. You may not have realized it would be necessary and thought oh I'll skip it. Well that was a mistake but not one you cannot overcome. Let me tell you how.

  Put on a mask! Citizens of a country rely on their leader to show them the proper way to handle a situation. Stop making fun of others who do. It's not a sign of weakness or herd-mentality. It is a sign of strength and caring for those who might be more susceptible than you. I'm sure you can find one or someone who will make one for you. It's not that hard. Tweet out your need. And while you are at it ask for a few extra for the rest of your unprotected staff.

  Show some compassion for those who have died. You are about to hit 100 thousand deaths and counting due to this virus and you have shown absolutely no concern for them or their families. I'm not saying cry at the podium but a "sorry for your loss" wouldn't go amiss.  If you can't do that small gesture then stop bragging about what a great job you think you have done. Give those families a little morsel at the very least. Think how your briefing ratings would go up!

  Stop contradicting the experts. We are all aware you are a stable genius but these folks are on the payroll so at least get your money's worth out of them. When they say bleach or hydroxychloroquine do not work just let them. We all know you are smarter so maybe just a wink or a roll of the eyes in the background is enough. 

  Now listen when it comes tweeting I know I know lots of followers, people waiting to hear from you blah blah blah, but is now really the time to be calling people names like sleepy, Pocahontas or lying? This is first-day stuff of that course you passed on. Take a break. Maybe don't take your phone to bed or the bathroom with you. Read a book instead. Or maybe the constitution? I've never read it, proudly Canadian, but I heard it's good.

  Look no one expects you to change overnight. That would be too much to ask. Especially of you. But maybe a baby step here or there wouldn't be too much to ask. Not that anyone is calling you a baby. Even though you've displayed more than one tantrum in the past week. I'm sure your constituents will forget about those. Unless of course those "fake news" agencies keep them in the headlines. They always try to make you look bad. Maybe you shouldn't give them so much ammunition.

  Honestly, there are only six short months till your job is over. We all know you didn't really want it in the first place. How about a vacation? Head to Florida and relax. Maybe get a checkup. Go hunting with Junior. Do whatever you used to do before the chaos began. Take golf lessons. 

  I'm sure VP Pence will keep your agenda going. He seems like a pretty loyal guy.




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