Sunday, 10 May 2020

Mother's Day

  Like every other thing in our lives right now Mother's Day is different this year. No fancy brunches in restaurants with white table cloths and mimosas. Afternoon tea with tiny cucumber sandwiches and a view of the ocean is off. Dinner is takeout and no long walks afterward thru the tulips. But it's our day and we will take it in any form. Cause boy do we deserve it!

  This is the one day a year Moms are expected to put themselves first. We sleep late. Some get breakfast in bed...whether it is edible or not depends on the age of your children. Our kids are better behaved for the most part and someone orders our dinner or makes a reservation. Even the tv remote becomes ours alone. Name me one other day where that happens?

  Being a mom is, in the words of my friend Deb : "The hardest but most rewarding job on the planet."  Every stage of motherhood has its own challenges and rewards. It might not seem like it as we struggle thru tough times but there is. And speaking as the mom of two teenagers, enjoy whatever rewards you can see be they ever so small. 

  Growing up the "ideal" mother was Claire Huxtable. Smart kids who never talked back. Clean house. Never lost her temper. Stopped herself at one glass of wine. All the while knowing we were a lot more like Roseanne Connor. Smart-ass kids who struggled in school and who fought constantly with their siblings all while we yelled at them to stop. Yet we wanted to believe we could have the family life so enjoyed by this beloved tv character. Even though we know that life doesn't exist outside of television shows...and social media!

  Celebrate today however you can. It's not about the presents or the flowers or the food. It's about the little humans we have helped shape, or are helping to shape, into adults. It's taking one day out of the year and saying none of us are perfect but we are doing the best we can and we want absolutely nothing more than for you to know you are loved, you are special, you are wise. If you know that our job is done.

  Happy Mother's Day! 



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