Thursday 27 April 2017

Email Rage

  Thanks to email, i messages and texting, we can instantly tell people where we are, what we are doing and what we think. For good or for bad. Once you hit that send can't take it back.

  Every message can be taken the wrong way. We can take every "fat-finger typo" as a slight. When you can't hear the speaker's tone it's easy to do. And even a simple CAPITAL LETTER can be construed as anger. 

  If you think someone is going to be upset or angered by a comment, you will be able to read that into their response. Quite easily too. No matter what the words are, we will make them into whatever we expect. We are all guilty.

  Take a few breathes before you hit send on that nasty email or text. Consider the fact that you can never take back those words. Read it again and imagine how your friend, parent, coworker or spouse will interpret your words.

  Nothing is ever truly gone from the internet....except the time you spend on it!



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