Wednesday 12 April 2017

Sean Spicer

  I'm not a Sean Spicer fan. Honestly, I almost feel bad for the guy. Talk about the worst job for a spokesperson. No consistent policies, a boss who speaks without thinking, having to defend lies on a daily basis. I imagine when his alarm goes off every morning he swears....a lot!

  Now I'm not saying he isn't his own worst enemy because I think he is....after his boss of course but I thought that was self-explanatory. But I truly do not believe his words about Hitler, gas and the Holocaust weren't malicious. They were bizarre and wrong, ill-chosen of course but not intentionally offensive. I think we all know that.

  Did Mr. Spicer mean gas chamber when he said Holocaust center? Of course he did. Was he trying to clarify his statements but only dug a deeper hole for himself? Watch the tapes it's pretty clear. It looks like he got rattled and was speaking without thinking his entire thought through. He's not really an off-the-cuff guy. Which makes you wonder about his career choices.

  Look we have all said things in the wrong way. People have accused me of meaning one thing when I meant the total opposite...based solely on the way I made my point. No one is perfect. And certainly when we get off stride sometimes we say inappropriate things we don't really mean.

  Two pieces of advice matter what mess you've landed in don't worry, the public has a short memory. After all, that's how your boss got his job.......and two... buy some new ties!


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