Saturday 15 April 2017

What in the World is Going On?

  The world is becoming a very scary place, very quickly. Between Trump's knee-jerk tweets that inflame, even more, a bad situation, to North Korea's reaction to said tweets.....I feel as if we are on a precipice. And we aren't going to survive the fall.

  I'm not sure when it happened, but the United States President seems to believe they decide what countries have nuclear capabilities and who does not. I am in NO way saying I want North Korea to have these bombs. I don't want anyone to. But his posturing could have explosive reactions...pun intended.

  There is a complete lack of diplomacy at the moment. Trump seems to have no clue that Kim Yong Un isn't scared of him and that those "in your face" tweets are like a stick poking into an open wound. He is trying to show his strength and all it's done is made a dictator show his. 

  Is Trump worried? Not if you see the pics of him golfing while every news channel is talking about nuclear arsenals and whether a missile could make land in the United States from the other side of the world. He seems unflustered. Relaxed even. As if this is something to relook at on Tuesday morning....when his office re-opens for business.

  Hold your loved ones near this Easter weekend. Enjoy the time together. Who knows what state the world will be in this time next week.

  Have the extra piece of pie and glass of wine.....just in case.



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