Saturday 10 June 2017


  Do you know the name Dani Mathers? She is the ex-playboy model who took the photo of a naked woman in the gym change room and posted it on Snapchat. Well she just got sentenced to 30 days community service and 3 years probation. This seems like a fitting and just punishment for what she did. But it's obvious she learned nothing from her mistake. 

  During an interview, Ms. Mathers said it has "taught me a lot about privacy" and "I've lost a lot of that myself as well".  Ummmm yeah. You took a total stranger's picture, without her consent, showering, and put it on social media. Without one iota of thought to her privacy. You should feel consequences for that.

  But the real damaging thing she has repeatedly said is that she never intended to share it publicly. Just to her friend. With the caption "If I can't unsee this then you can't either". So she really only meant to humiliate this innocent woman to her friend. Not the entire world. Oh that makes it better. No, it does not.

  Dani Mathers is not the victim here. In any way, shape or form. She is, however, a shining example of how some women try to break down other women instead of building them up. And there are too many of those in this world. To me, it says a lot about her character that she needs to feel better about herself by insulting others. 

  Imagine if the pic had of been of this woman in her workout clothes, sweaty and red-faced from exertion. With the caption "Hope this is me at 70 something!" Think how 100% different the story would have been.

  Consequences people. Consequences.


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