Friday 2 June 2017

Is It Hot In Here???

  Where to begin. Sigh...just one day I want to wake up to a world not thrown for a loop by the U.S. leaders uninformed, egotistical decisions. I know it's only been 5 months or so but it's exhausting.

  Climate change. Is it real? Scientists agree it is. Big energy companies do. World leaders including our own PM Trudeau believe it does. Every person I've every spoken to about it does. I do. The only people who don't seem to are Trump advisors, some of his supporters and the man himself. However, he is building a wall...yes another stop his golf course from falling into the sea because of rapid erosion in Scotland. Wonder what he believes is causing that?

  What is mind boggling to me is that the Paris Climate Accord markers are voluntary. If he really was so concerned about job loss or making the middle class pay then the numbers could have been changed without pulling out of something that took years and years and years to agree upon. Simple. Easy. Change your goals. 

  One thing to come out of this is my renewed hope in U.S. business leaders. Bob Iger and Elon Musk have honored their word about leaving the Advisory Council if Trump withdrew from the Paris Accord. It is refreshing to see someone stand up for the country even when it means going against the leader. 

  There isn't a Plan B. We have one planet. We need clean air. We need clean water to drink. We need to work together.

  All 7.347 billion of us!



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