Thursday 8 June 2017


  If you are a basketball fan you know the name LeBron James. He is one of the greatest players of all time without a doubt....the Cavs being behind 3-0 at the moment aside. He does charity work in and out of the spotlight. Unlike so many top athletes, not much in the way of scandal. But with all his success, awards and good deeds...someone painted racial slurs on the gate of his home.

  Being black in the United States is tough. Anyone who tells you different is lying. No matter how smart, kind or successful you are, there is a portion of the population who believe you are inferior based on the color of your skin. No other reason. They don't know you yet they judge you. And if you are male, well that's two marks against you before you even open your mouth.

  I've stood on the street hailing a cab in NYC and had cars stop for me that whizzed by someone of color ten feet away. Heard clerks in stores in Florida comment negatively on their own customers based on color. I've heard it in restaurants, airports, name the place chances are I've heard something there.

  But LeBron James? That truly shows you just how deep-seeded it is. Had the criminal written, "Cavs suck" or something similar, I could say that it was sports fan related. But that's not was written and it certainly had nothing to do with basketball. Skin color plain and simple.

  I'm not sure how people get this way. How they come to a point where they hate a person based on the one thing that cannot be changed. I know it's learned but wouldn't you think people would "unlearn it" when they grew up?

  The world we live in is crazy. There are many, many reasons to dislike people. Let their actions be the reason. 

  Not their skin color.


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