Thursday 1 February 2018

New Year Debt

  After the holidays most of us, if not all, struggle with bills. The month of January and most of February is a challenge. Perhaps we went out more often than we should have or bought too pricey of gifts. It doesn't matter how we got here. We are in it now so we need to figure it out.

  How do we do that? Well some things are easy. You eat at home. Watch your movies on Netflix. Take a lunch to work and a travel cup with coffee. Don't buy those shoes or clothes. That can be a big help. But what about the rest? Where do the thousands of dollars come from?

  I wish I knew. There is no easy or painless answer to debt. We make sacrifices. A lot of them, for a long time if necessary. For some it takes years. Others never seem to be able to get out of it. But we all try our best. For a while anyway.

  Living within our means is boring. Most people can't afford to do much. Once the necessities are covered, if there is anything left over you should count your blessings. Many are not so lucky. 

  Happily January is over and February is a short month. We have begun the process of digging out of debt. A few more weeks, or months, of home cooking and badly brewed coffee and we will be seeing a glimmer light at the end of the tunnel. The payoff will come and when we see our debt reducing we can celebrate our success. Modestly but a celebration none the less.

  Mine will be a store bought brew! I make horrible coffee.



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