Monday 19 February 2018

Buy Your Raffle Tickets Here

  An under 9 baseball team in Missouri is having a raffle draw to raise money for their team. The local school principal went so far as to ask the community to buy tickets on her Facebook age. Sounds innocent enough right? All sports teams fund-raise and raffle tickets are an easy sell. So why did this make international news?

  Well this is no ordinary raffle draw. The grand prize is an AR-15.....yup you read that right. Kids in grade three are selling raffle tickets on a rifle. The SAME rifle used in the school shooting in Parkland Florida. Of course you must have a background check done before you can claim your prize. No training. No mental health check. But at least a background check. 

  Does anyone find this strange? A nine year old knocks on your front door and asks you to buy tickets for their sports team....On a gun!!!! Really??!! As a parent I would never allow it. In fact I would yank my kid out of that league so fast everyone's head would spin. Then I would move heaven and earth to get those coaches removed from sports forever. 

  We all have different ways of raising our kids. What one parent will do, ten will do the complete opposite. But surely this is one thing we should all agree is wrong.

  Shouldn't we?


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