Wednesday 14 February 2018

My New Best Friend

  I used to think I had some of the best friends in the entire world. They were only a phone call away if my car broke down or I couldn't pick up the kids from somewhere. No questions would be asked if I needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to drink a bottle of tequila with. They are there for me 100%. Just as I am there for them. Today I learned my standards are not quite high enough.

  What happened you may ask. What could possibly have changed my mind about ALL of the people I call friend? Well none of them, not a one, would do for me what I saw a true friend admit to doing today. And not just admit to it but insist they would do it again without hesitation. So I'm getting myself a new best friend. 

  My new best, and only, friend from here on out, is none other than Michael Cohen. I mean come on....he is another level of friend than I have ever had. Ever. None of my "so called friends" would pay off a $130 bar tab for me, let alone hush money to a porn star to the tune of $130,000. Boy my standards for friendship are pretty low.

  See that's what Michael Cohen did for his friend Donald Trump. Without being asked. And without telling him after the fact. That's true friendship people. He went out of his way to protect his friend....and client.

   Yup Mr. Cohen is Trump's personal lawyer. But the cash came from his private bank account! I don't know about you but paying someone off while still insisting the whole affair is fake is odd. Add in a nondisclosure agreement and something smells fishy. 

  Donald Trump always wants to be seen as a winner. Well he certainly has won in the friendship race. We should all be so lucky to have a friend like Mike. Talk about undying devotion.




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