Friday 2 February 2018

I'm Cold

  John is tired of me saying this but.....I want to start spending the long Canadian winters somewhere south. And by south I mean really south. I want tropical breezes and heat. Warm sunshine and open windows. I've seen enough snow and ice to last me a lifetime.

  I'm cold all the time. Right down to my bones. I have yet to find a perfect temperature for the furnace that warms me up. At least not one that doesn't have everyone else opening windows and putting on shorts.

  Those beautiful snowflakes drifting silently down fill me with dread. I know they will pile up and become slippery roads and sidewalks. They will stay around for months and become drifts that blow around endlessly in our harsh winter winds. Just thinking about them saddens me.

  Canada is the best country on earth. We are head and shoulders above the rest. From healthcare, education, economy, standard of living to career opportunities, we shine. But in the weather department well we are sorely lacking. With at least four months of frigidness and another month or two of cold and  wet, it's a challenge. One I'm no longer willing to accept.

  Yes of course you will hear people talk about skiing, snow shoeing, skating and other winter endeavors. All wonderful things. But as I get older I want to walk on the beach and feel the sun on my face more than I want to scrape ice off my car and shovel. 

  I'm going to keep working on John. The kids are in. After all they can be home schooled and still follow the curriculum of their school here. It's win win I think. Now I just need to convince my other half.

  Living in the trailer for five months won't be that bad...will it?


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