Wednesday 28 February 2018

Time & Perspective

  Time passes so quickly that we don't fully comprehend it. Both of my kids are double digits. How did that happen? I've known Heather, Janet and Tom for more than 25 years! Where did that time go? Dad has been gone six years now. Six years. Wow it seems so much longer some days. 

  Perspective is my favorite word. Yet time doesn't seem to fall under that. The week flies by. This winter seems short. Christmas sneaks up on us. Summer goes by too fast. We all understand that.

  Death is the worst by far. Right after someone dies, time stands still. The first few days are much longer than 24 hours. The first few weeks are a daze and last forever. Everything is a "first" so that first year is slowed down with them. Then time takes off at breakneck speed and you blink and six years has passed. Astounding!

  Make the most of your time. Perspective be damned.



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