Tuesday 27 February 2018

Nasty Ivanka

  Yesterday I did something I've never done before...defended Ivanka Trump. I heard she had been asked about her father and his accusers and she said she believed her father. I could understand that. What child would want to believe their parent was capable of that behavior? Then I saw the interview. And I took back my defense.

  They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and in this case they were right. She was dismissive and rude...all with a smile on her face. Mrs. Kushner was smug, just like her father. The desired effect was to belittle the reporter and make him look small. I don't think she succeeded but she sure as hell tried.

  She was travelling as the Presidents representative NOT his daughter. While the daughter should not answer, the government worker must. Even a calm "no comment" would have garnered her sympathy. Smugness...not so much. The fact that she wanted to twist the proverbial knife was a glimpse into who she really is, not who she pretends to be for the cameras.  

  I made a mistake defending her. I won't make that same one twice.



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