Friday 28 September 2018

The Porn Star vs The Dr.

  I asked John one day not that long ago why Stormy Daniels was always referred to as a porn star. Every news commentator on every channel said the same words over and over again to describe her. Porn star Stormy Daniels. Stormy Daniels the porn star. As if that was all she was in life.

  Ms. Daniels was treated as if being a porn star, not illegal by the way, was the absolute lowest form of employment known to humankind. It is not. There are many jobs much worse in my humble opinion. But because she has a career that many find questionable she is treated in a certain way. At times that meant she was treated with disrespect and disdain. With rudeness and a lack of civility. Her words were dismissed. Her honesty questioned.

  Fast forward to these past few days and you see the treatment Dr. Ford has been getting. She has been treated with the utmost respect and dignity by everyone. Politicians, including Republicans, news people, 
and even the White House are watching their P's and Q's for the most part. She is consistently called credible. 

  Now one is a porn star. One has a doctorate. Should that make one more credible than the other? No. Does it? To many yes. That makes me sad because I'm assuming more women in the lower tax bracket and education ladder have to deal with people questioning their words than their counterpart. So why are folks more apt to believe the "good" woman? Is it because they think she doesn't deserve what happened but the "bad girl" does?

  Unlike Ms. Ford, Stormy Daniels is not saying she was sexually abused by Trump or anyone else. But her treatment in the press, and by Trump and his "people", is abuse plain and simple. And that treatment will mean that others will not come forward. Who could blame them? To be called a liar, a low life, and worse? Nope, it makes perfect sense why they wouldn't want to be revictimized. 

  One final thought on this topic and it is aimed directly at any and all women reading this. Stop asking why did she wait. Stop asking where the witnesses are. Stop asking why she didn't just move on. Stop trying to minimize her fears. Stop. Just stop. Instead.....try lifting her up. Try understanding. Try compassion. Try imagining yourself as a victim. Try. Just try.

  And if you can't....shut the hell up and make room for someone who can.





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