Tuesday 29 September 2015

  This election has gone on far too long. I have forgotten more than half of what the three main party leaders have said...except for Elizabeth May and she only speaks about the environment, when they allow her to speak. I cannot wait for October 19 to pass just so we can get rid of all the photos of Tom  when he was 30ish, Justin walking up an escalator and that weird smile/smirk thing PM Harper has going on. Enough already. Let's just vote.

  Thomas Mulcair seems like a nice guy. He's well spoken and seems to be relatively intelligent...I'm not sure if that is a prerequisite to be Prime Minister though. But I live in Ontario and we are all paying for the perceived sins of a previous NDP provincial government. Don't believe me? Look at your hydro bill.  While I'm not sure I will hold that against him I know for a fact many will. And you need Ontario to be PM.

  Justin Trudeau has the right name, for many people. He appeals to young people and comes across as a voice of change. It is hard though to take someone seriously who had a "celebrity" boxing match and relatively no experience doing.... well anything. He has become a much better speaker since the beginning and I do like some of his ideas but again some of his past comments scare the crap out of me concerning the superiority of Quebec. But I've seen him at six in the morning and he does have amazing hair!

  PM Harper has shown his controlling side for many years within his own party. He only takes four or five questions after every public speech and no follow ups. Also it's easy to see that each and every public appearance is filled with well vetted supporters. I do like some of the things he's brought into play like income splitting and the higher TFSA amounts....I know, I know, they only help the upper class but forgive me if just once John and I enjoy a tax break. What worries me most is that so many of his people have jumped ship...think Baird, Mackay and the late Jim Flaherty (who may have left for health reasons).

  No matter who you vote for on October 19th the main thing is to vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Remember you cannot complain about who is leading the country if you did not vote. Rick Mercer said so.


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