Wednesday 30 September 2015

  It's official...fall is here! Time to break out the sweaters, scarves and cute boots while finding a place for the capris, shorts and sandals. Say goodbye to sun dresses. Hello long pants.

  Soon folks will be taking drives in the country to see the changing leaves. Stopping and strolling through the woods as they comment on the beautiful colours. Enjoying the crisp, fresh air. Taking photos that will become Facebook posts and screen savers to remind us of the wonderful afternoon spent together as a family.

  Some of my friends and family will be spending their days making preserves, jams and jellies. The smell of  mustard favourite...and relishes will be commonplace for many. Me? Well I'm hoping someone will take pity on us and send us a care package. Hint hint.

  Also it's the start of a new tv season. No more reruns or watching shows on Netflix that I really had little interest in. Bring on The Blacklist, Scandal and Downton Abbey. For some crazy reason I need to wait til January for Downton. Having James Spader and a roaring fire will help me get through it. No spoilers please.

  As the days grow shorter and the nights cooler my mind drifts to a warm winter vacation. Unless I win the lottery this year it's out of the question but one can dream. Don't pity me too much though we already have one booked before Christmas!! But if you need help planning yours let me know.





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