Thursday, 31 March 2016
Kitchen Duty
Did I ever mention I don't like to cook? It's a necessary evil but I'm not happy about it. Which is why we all eat the same food. No one gets special treatment, except for breakfast and really how difficult are eggs? I make one meal. If you don't want/like it then there is cereal. Which you will make yourself.
Tonight it's spaghetti and meat balls. Very basic. Very simple. But we all enjoy it. The meatballs are turkey and the pasta is multi grain so somehow it's healthy-ish too. At least that's what I tell myself.
My friends are adventurous when it comes to cooking. I'm always excited when I get an invite to their dinner tables. They actually use cook books, recipes and Pintrest. I look at the pictures.
I always think I should try new things. But I really don't enjoy it so that hinders my attempts. Not that there have been many attempts.
One thing I do like cooking are party foods. Appetizers and salads. The bigger the party the better. I make a mean rice and shrimp salad to go with the crab puffs. See I'm not totally lost in the kitchen.
It's time to go and make some meatballs. Hmm....I hope I have some onion soup mix.
That's a kitchen "staple" right?
Lazy Rantings
I've been very lazy with this blog lately. I'm not sure why. It's not that I haven't had anything to say. Or that I'm busier than normal. I'm just, well, feeling lazy. That must stop.
See I've found that when I get my thoughts out or vent I feel more at peace. With myself, my family and the world around me. I've come to enjoy that peacefulness. Today I mean to get it back.
Let's start with the verdict in the Ghomeshi trial. Google it if you aren't aware of the details. It's pretty brutal stuff. I wasn't in the court room but I do know there are intricacies to the law that we aren't aware of, unless you have a law degree. While I'm not happy with the way the victims have been turned into the criminals, a judge has said he is not guilty on all charges. So sadly not guilty it is. But....
The treatment of his female lawyer scares me. She is taking heat from women all over the world. For doing her job. Her job. Yes she could have not taken the case. Yes she could have stayed in the shadows. But these are the cases that send a career into another level of success. And while we don't know her reasons for taking the case we must accept that she had a right to take it.
If we want equality then female lawyers must take these cases. And rape cases. Defend child molesters and abusive husbands. All the horrible awful things men do to women and children. Like it or not. That's what equality means.
We are harder on our own sex than on the other. We tend to expect more from women than men. If that's the case then we are destined to be fighting for equality forever.
Sunday, 27 March 2016
Hoppy Easter
Happy Easter weekend everyone! I hope you are all enjoying the first real weekend of spring with family and friends. Maybe even a turkey. We, as a family, are enjoying a little too much together time.
See Thursday was a "snow day" for the boys. This after a nine day break. So three days of school, five days off, four days of school then the weekend. Craziness. Too many days off. Too many days in the house.
Now John is home too which brings the noise level up another notch. The boys seem a bit more rowdy with Dad in the room. Now if only they would all get along for more than two minutes at a time.
With everything closed on this Easter Sunday our options are limited on what to do. But since we live in the nations capital we have "tourist areas" that are always open. Perhaps it will be warm enough to walk around there this afternoon. Fingers crossed.
While you eat your chocolate and gobble your turkey remember to say a quick thank you for being alive. Look around your holiday table and see how blessed you really are.
Now to get the chocolate out of the chair. Oh the joys of the Easter bunny!
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Vroom Vroom
I almost forgot. I wanted to tell you about the boys...all three of them.....favorite part of this past vacation. The thrills. The excitement. Wait for it. The candy apple red Mustang convertible.
That's right a car. We didn't need to spend all that money and time travelling. We could have just taken a car out for a test drive!
We drove to Downtown Disney, or whatever it is they are calling it now. So as a surprise I rented a convertible which just happened to be a Mustang. Boy does it look pretty. The black leather seats. The highly polished red exterior. Gorgeous.
Then you get inside. Well leather is hot. Especially on a hot day when the roof has been down for hours. And when you have people in the back, even little people, there isn't much room. What a hard job getting into it. And John, at six feet, was pretty darn close to the steering wheel.
But hey it's a convertible and the sun is shining. So with big smiles we start off. It's just a little over an hours drive. Quickly the kids realize you can't see an iPad screen with all that sunlight. And that the air is just as hot at 70mph as standing still. Don't forget the air conditioner is a waste of time. Not to mention the tangled hair.
We do our shopping, a few Christmas ornaments and a mug, then head back to the ship. This ride is nicer. The temperature is nice. The breeze is cooler. The sun has gone down some so you can see the screen again. Perfect.
As we were driving back I could easily see what the appeal of the convertible was. But I'll never buy one.
Yesterday, before I heard about the terrorist attacks in Brussels, I was sent an "After Cruise Survey" by Norwegian Cruise Line. I filled it out on-line then went about my business. Not until later did it hit me that one of the questions was quite relevant for the day.
I'm paraphrasing here so bear with me....Does the current climate of terrorist attacks cause you to alter, cancel or prevent you from travelling?
Of course I said no. In fact, truthfully, it never really occurred to me. We don't tend to travel with the kids to areas of civil unrest. Or to places where kidnappings of tourists are a clear risk. But it never occurred to me that I could, or should, consider a cruise ship a place for an attack.
Naive? Maybe. Cruise ships go to touristy areas. They go to places where the people want, and need, your tourism dollars. A quick swim with the dolphins or a bus ride through their historic sites. At least that's what the North American cruise lines do. I always feel safe in these places.
But why do I have no fear of travel? I'm sure the people who were waiting for flights or the subway in Brussels yesterday were thinking they were safe. Is it because it's not a daily fact for us here in Canada? Maybe. Probably.
Perhaps I should worry more. that I see it in print I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't. We should continue to travel. We should continue to take the common sense precautions that all travelers should walking down alleyways at night, stay together, don't travel to war zones...the basics. Once our lives are dictated by the terror around us the terrorists have won.
***Remember....this is small group of radicalized people. A tiny, minuscule faction of people. This is not a religion. This is not a religion. This is NOT a religion.***
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Social Media here in Canada has been flooded with warnings of scams involving credit cards, bank accounts and Revenue Canada (our tax agency). These scams are so good in some cases that even bank officials are hard pressed to find the errors in the emails sent out. And somehow these con artists can make your call display show Government of Canada or the bank. Very sophisticated.
In the past week I've had two bizarre encounters. The first was a phone call from the fraud department of our credit card company. Very politely the man told me John's card had been compromised and a new card would.....well I didn't let him go any further. I calmly said I'm not falling for your scam and after calling him a few choice names I hung up the phone.
Then I started thinking. What if it was true? He hadn't asked for any information. And John was out of town. What if it was for real and he couldn't use his card for travel? Did he have his work card with him? Thinking I should be proactive, I called the company myself. After explaining the situation, I was transferred to the fraud department where a very nice man told me that yes in fact John's card had been compromised and they would be needing to send him a new card!
Figures. After passing on my apologies to the man who initially called, I arranged for a new card to be sent out. The bank said it never calls...except the fraud department. Lesson learned but still I won't ever give out any information to anyone on the phone. Which leads me to today......
Another phone call. This one from Revenue Canada. Again my radar is up. I tell the very polite woman that I'm not answering any of her questions and just as I'm about to hang up she quickly says this happens all the time and I should call the 888 number from their website and she will leave a note on my account to show she is legitimate.
Again I'm not falling for it. But then.....I start to think. What if this is for real? Deja vu my friends. So I call the toll free number and explain my situation. Again I speak to a very nice person who agrees better safe than sorry. After an unending stream of questions he informs me that yes I had been contacted by a department within CRA.
Figures. Not once but twice. I'm the only person the "people who never call you" call! So while we all need to be careful about scams we also must be aware that sometimes we need to call the institution back...just to be sure.
On a good note Revenue Canada wasn't calling to say I owe them money!
I Knew It!
Yesterday was the first morning back in reality. No more sleeping in or staying up late. No made to order breakfast served in the sunshine by someone with a smile on their face. Nope it was reality all around us. Cold. Snow. Boots. And worst of all....early mornings.
Boy was I surprised when everyone got up without quarrel. Into the shower without a harsh word. Downstairs and dressed in record time. Smile in place. No complaints about the breakfast. As perfect a morning as we could hope for in our house on a Monday.
Sigh.....then this morning happened. Everything I had braced myself for yesterday came true today. The level of grouchiness was off the charts. Slamming doors and loud voices were the music of the morning. I'm not sure but there might have been steam coming out of the roof there was so much bitterness in here.
But that hour is over. Both boys have made the long walk to the bus. And now the house is at peace. The walls sighed a little when the last one walked out. Fingers crossed they get over it by the time three o'clock rolls around.
I'm going to need a second coffee this morning!
Monday, 21 March 2016
Earlier I told you a little bit about our latest vacation and promised to tell you about the things we bought at a later time. Well I can't wait. Later is now. And it can be summed up in one word. Bamboo.
Yes you read that right. Bamboo. There is a store called Cariloha that sells bamboo everything. The towels are sooooooo soft. You won't believe it. And the sheet sets. They sell clothes too. Yup clothes that are beyond soft and keep you cooler.
This time we bought 3 more towels. They are pricey at $39 US each but worth every penny. They are naturally anti-bacterial. So even if your child showers and forgets to hang it up to dry it won't smell! Did I mention they are soft?
Our big ticket item though was a new duvet. It weighs nothing. King size and Riley carried it without complaining almost half a kilometer. We needed a new one and had been putting it off trying to find one that was lightweight but warm. Well we found one! I can't wait to try it out.
Alex got another pair of socks and while they aren't cheap at $16, the other pair still looks brand new and they are over a year old! Well worth the price. Sadly nothing is Riley's size but maybe by the next trip.
If you have a free minute check out their website. They ship. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
But I won't give you your money back.
**I almost forgot....bamboo is eco-friendly and the most sustainable, renewable resource on the planet! Bonus!**
Back Home
I'm back!!! What a week it's been! Vacation is the way to live my friends. Another March break...another cruise. But I must admit I do suffer when I come home with a few days of ship motion that leaves me a little off. C'est la vie.
I won't bore you with ALL the details...just a few. First off I love, love, LOVE NYC. The noise, people and scenery makes me feel energized. Chinatown is a must see if you go. Peek into a food market and you will see food you never thought possible. People are bartering over the basics. Fun to watch even if you don't understand the language.
We are a family that loves a cruise. Everyone gets their own vacation. Riley spent a lot of time at the kids club. He is a social butterfly so he is in his element there. Alex, being that weird 12 almost 13, wanted nothing to do with it. However, he loved having the freedom to wander around on his own. I think he spent most of his time at the buffet but I have no proof.
John and I are happy to be in the warmth doing nothing. We spent a lot of time watching Alex swim and getting some sun. There is lots to do on a ship that big including a comedy club, lots of live music and of course the casino. Over all it was a blast.
Reality has now set in. John has gone to work. The boys are off to school. The suitcases need to be unpacked and the laundry taken downstairs. I need to buy some groceries and put away the few things we bought...more on those things later.
But "after vacation nap"!
Saturday, 12 March 2016
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Bette vs. Kim
A few days ago was International Women's Day. And the release of yet another nude Instagram photo of Kim Kardashian. What is wrong with this woman? What makes her so insecure that she needs, yes I said needs, the attention of strangers to make her feel worthy?
She comes from a big family. Her husband seems to truly care about her. With two children she gets unconditional love. Money isn't an issue. In a business sense she is successful. So why does she crave the sort of attention these photos garner?
I heard someone say it's her "brand" but I don't necessarily agree. She has said many times she is more than the sex tape that made her famous. That she wants to distance herself from that world and focus on the fashion end of her life. If that is true she really is going about it the wrong way.
And while the world may think she is the cover girl of self confidence I couldn't disagree more. She seems to always need someone to say how great she is. How beautiful. Mind you that is the impression she gives off but since she lives her life on public display....again her choice with reality shows, tv weddings etc....what else do we have to go on?
Her catch phrase seems to be about body shaming. How she isn't going to stand by and let people do that. soon as Bette Midler made a joke, a very very funny joke, about the photo, Kim decided to shoot back with an age and fat comment. Isn't that what she was "fighting" against?
You can't have it both ways Kim. Either you stand up against body shaming or you do it. Pick one. Better yet walk away from the camera and get yourself some counselling. Figure out why you have this over whelming need to have people say you are pretty.
You have a daughter to raise and she will follow your lead when it comes to body confidence.
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Today is International Women's Day! A day where the world can take a closer look at the injustices and prejudices women deal with ever day of their lives. But does the world really want to see them?
Here in North America we don't have much to complain about. Relax I know it's not perfect but when women still can't go to school in some countries it's hard for us to say we are hard done by.
There have been many videos and commercials recently showing young girls being married off, with their parents blessings no less, to grown men. Imagine if that was your sister, daughter, niece. At the ripe old age of eleven or twelve. Horrifying to say the least.
Many families still pay a dowry to make their daughters more desirable for marriage. Whether it's live stock, money or land, parents need to pay to get their daughters married so they are no longer financially responsible for them. What's a few goats among in-laws I guess.
My family is full of men. My job, as a strong woman, is to raise boys who are aware that women are their equal. In every aspect of life. And to treat them with the respect and dignity that should be afforded to everyone. Male and female. Young and old.
A final wish to women everywhere. May the next 365 days bring change for those who have it much worse than you and I.
"Here's to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them."
But I can't help but much would we scream if there was an International Men's Day?
Monday, 7 March 2016
Goodbye Lady Mary
Last night was the North American series finale of Downton Abbey. I love that show. Again it's part of my British obsession. After six seasons, the Crawley's said goodbye. And wrapped it up quite nicely I think.
Stop reading if you haven't seen the show. Stop reading if you are planning on watching the series. And you really should. It's very good.
The writers didn't leave us hanging. They gave us a look into the future for every character. Upstairs and down. Tom was the only one who we couldn't figure out what his life was going to become.
This show was all about the changing of the classes in the early 1900's. How war changed everything, and everyone's, perceptions of what they could achieve in their lives. So it's only fitting that it ends with the upper classes realizing their way of life was slipping away and the lower class servants realizing they could move up in the world.
Carson and Mrs. Hughes, Edith and Bertie and Lady Rose got their happily ever after. Snobby Lady Mary got hitched to a used car salesman. Totally out of character but believable since it was Matthew Goode and he is easy to look at!
Sunday nights will not be the same. No more weddings, deaths, fights and love stories in the castle. No footmen, under butlers or Lords sneaky off for romantic trysts.
And the worst more Dame Maggie Smith as the Dowager Countess. No one could have pulled off the one liners and insults like she did.
That I will miss most of all.
Buy Sell Buy
Friday I took my first steps into the world of day trading. What a rush! Waiting, watching, waiting some more. Deciding the perfect moment to buy. Deciding the perfect moment to sell. Thrilling.
I made some money. Quite a bit in fact. Probably too much. I say that because I couldn't wait for the markets to open this morning. My confidence level was high. Ready for a repeat of Friday.
First thing this morning I'm checking the after hours quotes.....see I've even got the lingo down. I make a decision and change the buy order John had in place. He's in meetings all day so he can't keep the close eye on things that is needed. It's just my take on what will happen.
The first thing you should know about the stock market is that you have no clue what will happen....for the most part. I know less than that. Since I had no idea what John had learned from all his reading, I was flying blind.
My substantial gains were not repeated. Happily I still made some money. $172 to be exact. At least I didn't loose any. But I did learn a valuable lesson. I know nothing about the ins and outs of the stock market. All the time John spends researching a stock and it's history pays off. My "gut feeling" not so much.
Tomorrow I'm going to watch my stock. Wait. Watch some more. Wait again. Selling when I get to the number John tells me to wait for.
I guess I've learned two things!
Friday, 4 March 2016
Quite A Scare
I'm trying very hard to give the boys the freedom they crave. A little independence creates a self-confidence all children need. While John is much better at it than I am, I think I'm doing ok. Most of the time. Then the phone rang.....
Across the screen comes the name of Riley's school. Which isn't strange because well the child hurts himself at school on a weekly basis. The secretary, who I know by name, says she is calling to check on why Riley isn't at school.
I freeze. What are you talking about I almost scream into the phone! Riley left here at 8:01 as he always does and walks to the school bus. Which is down the street. Not far but out of site.
Of course every bad case scenario you could ever imagine goes through my head with lightening speed. Faster even. Now she is panicking too. She puts me on hold as she makes what I'm sure is a frantic call to his home room teacher. Seconds go by....the longest seconds of my life. With relief in her voice she informs me that yes he is in fact in class. The bus was very late and both Riley and the other child who takes that bus were marked as absent.
An honest mistake. I understand that completely. The poor secretary kept apologizing with what sounded like tears in her voice. Just like mine. And when I put down the phone, after another round of apologies, my heart was racing.
As soon as my heart rate went back to normal and my hands stopped shaking my first thought was he will never walk to the bus alone again.
But that's wrong. He's 9. More than old enough to walk to the bus stop alone. Several other parents wait there, with their much younger children. He's never there alone. We have rules for his walking over that he follows religiously.
It was is easy to over react. So easy. And I know children are taken off the streets too often. But it's a fine line we walk as parents. Riley needs that sense of accomplishment of getting himself to school. I need to foster his independence. As long as we do everything in our power to balance that and his safety, we will be ok.
I did, however, fight the urge to have a stiff drink. Who knew I had that much self control?
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
Morning News
I watched the news this morning as I was getting the kids ready for school. Two items really caught my attention and I wanted to share them with you. One is very sad. The other is a "what the hell" moment if I ever heard one.
Erin Andrews gave testimony in court yesterday, and will again today, for her 75 million dollar lawsuit against the Marriot Hotel chain. You've all heard the story. She was in a hotel and a peeping tom, who's name I refuse to use, sawed through a pipe and filmed her. Then posted it on line for the world to see.
Turns out the man asked the desk what room she was in and then asked to be in the next room. And they did it! No one, at the time, seems to have found this a little bizarre.
The poor woman was in tears yesterday. Imagine eight years have gone by and she is still having to explain she did nothing wrong. That in no way was any of this her fault. The man went to jail. A whopping 20 months. And she is still having to prove herself. Sad. Very sad.
Now for the weird one. Shubie Park is in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. It has an off-leash park for dogs. Now it has something else. Signs. And not just any signs.
These signs say, and I quote " Courtesy Matters. If your dog barks it can disturb neighbors and other park users. Please do not use this area if you can't control your dogs barking. #respect" WTH? At the dog park?
CBC even had a woman on, who neighbors the park, explaining how loud it is. How there was constant barking from the many dogs who use it. She also added that they can hear the owners fighting and arguing too. But it's a dog park. Of course you will hear dogs at a dog park!
Now I feel for the people who live around the park. It must get annoying. But come on. Try to get the dog park moved. Or changed to a leash-on park. Complaining that dogs are being dogs is well....silly. What if it was a playground instead? Would there be signs saying your child can't laugh, yell or have fun?
That's what I got from the news this morning. But today is Super Tuesday in the U.S. so I'm sure there will be crazier stuff tomorrow.
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