Thursday, 31 March 2016

Lazy Rantings

  I've been very lazy with this blog lately. I'm not sure why. It's not that I haven't had anything to say. Or that I'm busier than normal. I'm just, well, feeling lazy. That must stop.

  See I've found that when I get my thoughts out or vent I feel more at peace. With myself, my family and the world around me. I've come to enjoy that peacefulness. Today I mean to get it back.

  Let's start with the verdict in the Ghomeshi trial. Google it if you aren't aware of the details. It's pretty brutal stuff. I wasn't in the court room but I do know there are intricacies to the law that we aren't aware of, unless you have a law degree. While I'm not happy with the way the victims have been turned into the criminals, a judge has said he is not guilty on all charges. So sadly not guilty it is. But....

  The treatment of his female lawyer scares me. She is taking heat from women all over the world. For doing her job. Her job. Yes she could have not taken the case. Yes she could have stayed in the shadows. But these are the cases that send a career into another level of success. And while we don't know her reasons for taking the case we must accept that she had a right to take it. 

  If we want equality then female lawyers must take these cases. And rape cases. Defend child molesters and abusive husbands. All the horrible awful things men do to women and children. Like it or not. That's what equality means. 

 We are harder on our own sex than on the other. We tend to expect more from women than men. If that's the case then we are destined to be fighting for equality forever. 


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