Wednesday 23 March 2016


  Yesterday, before I heard about the terrorist attacks in Brussels, I was sent an "After Cruise Survey" by Norwegian Cruise Line. I filled it out on-line then went about my business. Not until later did it hit me that one of the questions was quite relevant for the day.
  I'm paraphrasing here so bear with me....Does the current climate of terrorist attacks cause you to alter, cancel or prevent you from travelling? 

  Of course I said no. In fact, truthfully, it never really occurred to me. We don't tend to travel with the kids to areas of civil unrest. Or to places where kidnappings of tourists are a clear risk. But it never occurred to me that I could, or should, consider a cruise ship a place for an attack. 

  Naive? Maybe. Cruise ships go to touristy areas. They go to places where the people want, and need, your tourism dollars. A quick swim with the dolphins or a bus ride through their historic sites. At least that's what the North American cruise lines do. I always feel safe in these places.

  But why do I have no fear of travel? I'm sure the people who were waiting for flights or the subway in Brussels yesterday were thinking they were safe. Is it because it's not a daily fact for us here in Canada? Maybe. Probably.

  Perhaps I should worry more. that I see it in print I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't. We should continue to travel. We should continue to take the common sense precautions that all travelers should walking down alleyways at night, stay together, don't travel to war zones...the basics. Once our lives are dictated by the terror around us the terrorists have won.


  ***Remember....this is small group of radicalized people. A tiny, minuscule faction of people. This is not a religion. This is not a religion. This is NOT a religion.***




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