Tuesday 22 March 2016

I Knew It!

  Yesterday was the first morning back in reality. No more sleeping in or staying up late. No made to order breakfast served in the sunshine by someone with a smile on their face. Nope it was reality all around us. Cold. Snow. Boots. And worst of all....early mornings.

  Boy was I surprised when everyone got up without quarrel. Into the shower without a harsh word. Downstairs and dressed in record time. Smile in place. No complaints about the breakfast. As perfect a morning as we could hope for in our house on a Monday. 

  Sigh.....then this morning happened. Everything I had braced myself for yesterday came true today. The level of grouchiness was off the charts. Slamming doors and loud voices were the music of the morning. I'm not sure but there might have been steam coming out of the roof there was so much bitterness in here.

  But that hour is over. Both boys have made the long walk to the bus. And now the house is at peace. The walls sighed a little when the last one walked out. Fingers crossed they get over it by the time three o'clock rolls around.

  I'm going to need a second coffee this morning!


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