Tuesday 8 March 2016


  Today is International Women's Day! A day where the world can take a closer look at the injustices and prejudices women deal with ever day of their lives. But does the world really want to see them?

  Here in North America we don't have much to complain about. Relax I know it's not perfect but when women still can't go to school in some countries it's hard for us to say we are hard done by. 

  There have been many videos and commercials recently showing young girls being married off, with their parents blessings no less, to grown men. Imagine if that was your sister, daughter, niece. At the ripe old age of eleven or twelve. Horrifying to say the least. 

  Many families still pay a dowry to make their daughters more desirable for marriage. Whether it's live stock, money or land, parents need to pay to get their daughters married so they are no longer financially responsible for them. What's a few goats among in-laws I guess.

  My family is full of men. My job, as a strong woman, is to raise boys who are aware that women are their equal. In every aspect of life. And to treat them with the respect and dignity that should be afforded to everyone. Male and female. Young and old. 

  A final wish to women everywhere. May the next 365 days bring change for those who have it much worse than you and I.

  "Here's to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them." 

  But I can't help but wonder.....how much would we scream if there was an International Men's Day?


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