Monday 23 October 2017

City Girl

  This past weekend I spent time with some friends in a cottage at Mt. Tremblant, a ski resort area about two hours from Ottawa. The weather was gorgeous, the scenery breathtaking and the lake calming and peaceful. All in all a wonderful weekend. Spent with wonderful people. And in all that peace and tranquility I realized something, I'm a city girl who can only take so much quiet and calmness. 

  Let me first say I would go anywhere with these ladies. To the busiest downtown core or the remotest of wildernesses. I'm in. But if I had to move tomorrow I would definitely pick a city. The larger the better. I've grown accustomed to having everything in close proximity. And I do mean everything. Theaters, restaurants, shopping. Galleries, recreation facilities, specialty food shops. You name it, I want to be able to get there quickly.

  I missed the noise. The sirens, cars, people and horns. I missed dogs barking, garbage trucks and transit buses. Everything that has become part of the background noise of my life. Which explains why I was excited to see the helicopter land next door. Quiet makes me just a little bit nervous. Too many episodes of Criminal Minds I suppose.

  We all have our ideal places. I love anything on the ocean. Watching the waves. It's not always loud there but something about the movement and the sound puts me in my happy place. Maybe some day it will be where I live. Ideally within walking distance of a city center. Fingers crossed.

  But one thing I will never like about country street lights!!! Who lives like that??



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