Tuesday 10 October 2017

Positive Thoughts...and Words

  I have been very delinquent lately. These past few weeks I've had much to say about things going on in my life but have chosen to stay quiet, not an easy thing to do I assure you. Everything I wrote was a little bitter. A little angry. And while there is nothing wrong with anger sometimes it does no good either. That's where I was heading.

  People I was coming into contact with were behaving childishly and for whatever reason I wasn't able to move past it like I always do. Must be old age I guess. They were desperate to have their own way...no matter who disagreed and no matter the reason. Then when they were called on their childish behavior they became nasty, petty and talked badly about whoever it was that questioned them. You know...teenage behavior. And it made me angry.

  But not today. Today is about being positive. Seeing the good in people. After the Thanksgiving holiday it seems wrong to focus on the bad and not the good. 


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