Sunday 15 October 2017

Why Rehab???

  I only have one question I want answered on this whole Harvey Weinstein scandal....what is he going to rehab for? Will he have withdrawals and crave saying something inappropriate? Maybe he will be given drugs to control his urges to grope women? What is he going to rehab for???

  Being a predator is not something that can be "cured" with a month long stay at a facility with like minded folks. Jail terms are much longer and they come out most of the time exactly as they went in. Organic foods and yoga are not going to help. Could meditation and therapy help? Maybe but no guarantee.

  In this case he is trying to save his career pure and simple. The guy has been a predator for many, many years. That is who he is. He knowingly used his power to dominate, manipulate and influence women who wanted success in their field. Pure and simple. 

   Sometimes doing the right thing is the toughest thing. Especially for the victims. Fear of losing everything makes a lot of women put up with many things. We cannot blame those who don't come forward...we are not in their shoes and certainly don't know their circumstances. Let's not judge them. 

   So from here forward lets try this. Women speak out. Every single time. Protect each other. When it happens to you tell your co-workers. Never let them be alone with the predator. Be brave and be willing to sacrifice so that others won't have to. And those who do sacrifice....the rest of us will have your back. We have to help pay your bills, feed your kids and help you out in any way we can. After all we owe you.

   Twenty bucks says he will return from rehab a changed and better man. In his mind anyway.




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