Tuesday 31 October 2017

A Few Thoughts

  Today I have a few thoughts on a few things. Here goes.....

  Kevin Spacey....WTH???? I would think that as a gay man I wouldn't have to tell you this but apparently I am wrong. Being gay does not make you a pedophile. Or sexually aggressive. Or give you permission to attack a child. In fact by coming out as an apparent explanation as to why you attacked a child, you have given ammunition to those who hate gay people and believe "they" are all pedophiles. Way to go!

  Sarah Huckabee Sanders....two words....Sean Spicer. Plan ahead for your career. The entire world looks at you while shaking their heads. We feel sorry for you. But we know you lie, every single day. Not a great career move.

  Whomever sells ads at BBC Canada...you have the greatest sense of humor. Watch Father Brown and you'll see what I'm talking about. So ironic.

  CNN's Chris Cuomo...you are on a news program not an entertainment show. Please speak as if you are trying to give us facts not the most recent updates on The Bachelor. Or let Alisyn Camerota do all the talking.

  Dear Stephen Harper...please take a page from former U.S. leaders and don't comment on what the person who took your place is doing. It looks petty. You didn't want Paul Martin questioning your choices did you? Show some class.

  Quebec government....smarten the hell up! Your State Religious Neutrality Law is unconstitutional, bigoted and mean. How does taking away people's rights give them more rights?? It reminds me of Trump's Travel Bans. Ignorant and wrong.

  One more thing...to every single grocery, pharmacy or corner store who starts selling Halloween candy in September....we, everyone over the age of 20, hate you. With a passion. 

  Happy Halloween everyone!



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