Monday, 26 March 2018
Smarts...Everyone Has Some
Almost every single government job here in Ottawa, in a supervisory position, requires a university degree. Now your degree doesn't necessarily have to be in that particular field but you must have one. Basket weaving will do for some of them. But you must have a piece of paper that shows you went to an institution of higher learning.
These degree prerequisites are in every branch of the government. Finance, Health and Safety, Revenue Canada, the list goes on and on. But there are two jobs titles where that little piece of paper is not necessary to be the boss. In fact non-education related skills are much bigger assets. Like charisma, charm, honesty, tact and the ability to sway people with your words.
Those two job titles...Prime Minister of Canada and Member of Parliament. High school drop out? Yes you can get this job. Baker? You too. Self taught carpenter? Car salesman? Yoga instructor? Yes, yes and yes. Now think about that for a second.
You cannot do the books for the Canadian government but you can be the person in charge of the Finance Department. Interesting. You must have a degree to run the offices that make foreign policy but not to be the Foreign Affairs Minister. The Minister of Education doesn't have to be book educated. Interesting isn't it?
To become an MP, and in turn the PM, education doesn't play a factor in the process. There is no prerequisite. You have to be a Canadian citizen, 18 years old, on or before, election day and you must file a nomination paper. That's the basics. It's weird how you can run the department because constituents said you could but can't work for that said department because you don't have a degree.
The Senate has recently changed it's rules for application. But in the past there have been a number of them without university degrees. And they came from all walks of life. Even a hockey coach was mixed in among the lawyers and doctors. These folks decided on the laws of our countries. Our laws. That's important stuff.
So if there is no education prerequisite to be the leader of the government why is it a necessity to run a small department or even a large one? As my Dad would say this is ass backwards. Why can't someone, who is not interested in school but wants to learn, get a low level job and work their way up? Maybe someone is amazing at math but doesn't do well in other subjects. Couldn't they be taught accounting to become an auditor? Or the Auditor General? Business does this every day. Why doesn't the government?
Lots of McDonald's managers used to be the fry cook. Or the evening cleaner. Walmart regional warehouse managers started out filling shelves and unloading trucks. These are huge companies. And they are making out just fine. What do they know that the government doesn't?
They know that not everyone can get a post secondary education. For a multitude of reasons. Finances, health or other responsibilities. Sick parents who must be financially taken care of. Bad choices in their youth coming back to haunt them. Learning disabilities. And some have just plain and simple had enough of school. Companies see past that and look at the individual. Our government doesn't. They are seeing paper first and people second.
That is something you don't need a degree to understand.
***Let me clarify....I DO believe in higher education. It IS important for many careers. But those who don't go to university should be given opportunities as well...especially within the government.***
English versus French
Somethings in life don't make sense to me. Now this will offend some of you but facts are facts and just because we don't like them doesn't mean they are not true. If you are french in Ottawa you have a distinct advantage over everyone else. Both in jobs, especially government ones, and in education. It's not fair and it needs to stop.
The french school board gets more money per student than their english counterparts. After too many hours spent on phone calls, my answer was unhappily given by an accountant who could not, or would not, give me the exact number but did say the extra money was for cultural promotion. What??? Using that logic, northern indigenous schools should be rolling in cash but we all know that isn't true.
When I continued to ask about what exactly that meant, cultural promotion, the conversation ended. There is no explanation given as is no concrete number. Why the secrecy? Is there real danger that the french culture is under attack and needs themselves? Is this across the country or just here in the nations capital? Do the english get extra funding in Quebec to promote their culture?
A child I know, in the french board, was given an educational assessment free of charge. Those assessments cost, on the average, $2200. His parents were never asked for a dime. This family has insurance which would have covered part of this hefty price tag. But again the cost was never discussed. When it was recommended my child have one done, the wait time for a "free" assessment was almost four years! French versus english. He would have graduated by that time.
Education has always been the great equalizer. No matter your economic background, you were given the same opportunities to learn as everyone else. The government made sure of that. Now that equality is gone. At least where I live.
Two things I want to add...this is NOT me being anti-french as many of you will be quick to point out. It's about the basic rights of EVERY child in Canada to the best education we as a country can give them. Whether they speak english or french should not play any part in it.
The second thing...the child I spoke of, and his family, are very dear to my heart. They did what was best for their child, as hopefully we all would. The system is fractured not the people using it. You know I love ya Jen!
Friday, 23 March 2018
Recently I've noticed people are losing their minds, not to mention their common decency, when it comes to politics and policies. Their words have become harsh, rude and nasty. The words idiot, moron and loser have come up more than once in conversation. This moves a discussion from polite and friendly to adversarial and rude.
Once you resort to name calling you've lost me. I no longer care what your point was. Whether I agree with you or not. If you can only make your case by name-calling or yelling, you have no point worth making. Not to me anyway. Now that the U.S. President has made this a daily occurrence, everyone feels they can leave common decency behind them and go for the jugular.
This phenomenon, I had hoped wouldn't migrate north but it did. We too have abandoned our "Canadian niceness" when it comes to politics, immigration and equality. We have allowed Trump and his nastiness to invade our country.
Want proof? Look at your Facebook or Twitter feeds. See for yourself how people have become unfiltered. Some even attack their own families just as harshly as total strangers. Imagine what Easter dinner will look like in some homes this year! A free for all...with wine.
Like many, I enjoy conversing about the state of the world and what affects us directly, both here and abroad. I do try to be as polite and honest about it as possible. Without crossing lines that cannot be uncrossed. Words are seldom forgotten. Especially those that are said in the heat of an argument over a topic we hold dear.
Remember that phrase your Grandma used to say when you were a kid...If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all.
Monday, 19 March 2018
We Made It
We lived through March break!! There were times I didn't think it was going to happen without handcuffs and bail money but we made it. After spending nine straight days together, my kids like each other even less than they did before. And while we may love them to death, when they fight continually it is difficult not to want to send them away....for a little while anyway.
Please do not pretend you like your kids all the time. They do things that drive you insane. By some super natural power they know every button and how to press it for the maximum effect. From birth. Those of you who say otherwise are either medicated or in denial. Probably both.
All my friends and family who's kids have grown up and moved out remember their children as perfect. They never fought. Never talked back. Always cleaned up after themselves. Got perfect grades. Never asked for anything. And never, ever fought with them or their siblings. Perfect little angels. Except for Janet who is much more realistic about the childhood years of her three kids. Maybe that's why I love her so much.
Social media is filled with pictures and commentary about how wonderful, kind and caring children are. And they are. But not all the time. Sometimes they are little shits...pardon the expression but it fits perfectly. We tend to show the world only the perfection of our lives when the reality is messy and not at all pretty.
Today I celebrate the beginning of school and the quiet that comes with it for seven hours during the day. Cause look out when 2:39 rolls around and the chaos starts all over again.
Before anyone contradicts me, or calls me a mean parent or says I shouldn't have had children....don't bother. I love my kids more than life. But I'm nothing if not realistic about their virtues and their failings.
Wednesday, 14 March 2018
Water Water Everywhere...Again!
Someone or something doesn't want us to finish this basement. And we don't know why. In a few weeks it will be 9 years we have lived in this house, which is a record for us. For the last six, we have tried, and failed, to begin finishing the basement. Water stops us every time. This week is no different.
A small history lesson for you...six years ago we had a flood. Carpet, drywall and studs had to be removed. We did the recommended fix. The next spring more water came in. A new weeping tile system was installed, by yours truly, as recommended during the summer. Spring thaw and again water is in the basement. A french drain was installed, again by these fair hands, before the spring melt. No water. Flash flooding. No water. Success finally!
Now that the water issues are all solved, it's full steam ahead with the reno's. John decided to convert the work room into a full storage room. Smart idea. And this is where he decides to begins.
The new storage room is connected to the utility room which houses, you guessed it, the hot water heater. While nailing in a sheet of drywall he realizes he is standing in a puddle. The water tank is leaking! And the water has gone under some of the studs but has not gotten to the drywall yet. We are spared that at least.
Towels are strewn over the floor and the tedious task of emptying the tank begins. We are thankful that at least it was contained and minimal damage was done. And 99% of that was to our wallets. Damn water.
Today a new gas heater was installed. In case you were wondering, gas equals dollar signs. Lots of them. Tanks are easily installed but the gas is a specialty and while not overly difficult, it is an expensive trade. Let me simplify that statement for you...gas fitters make a lot of money. A lot.
We now have hot water. Dishes are almost caught up. The work on the basement will slow down significantly. Mostly because the drywall money is now heating our dishwater. Water has tripped us up again.
Maybe the sixth time is the charm. If, and it's a big if, I can get John to start yet again!
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
Perfect Politicians
When do politicians and their parties take responsibility for something? The simple answer...never. How long can the blame be shifted to the other party who used to be in charge? A long time. Why do they keep looking backwards to place blame instead of ahead to how to fix it? I have no clue.
A few years ago PM Stephen Harper said that the Liberal and NDP MP's were stopping them from getting things done. That was simply not true. With a majority government, the Conservatives could have passed anything their little hearts desired. But when they didn't keep their election promises they needed a scapegoat. And who better than their political opponents.
Fast forward a few years and we are back in the same position with PM Trudeau. Looking for someone to blame. It seems to be a basic political move for everyone. I just want someone, anyone, to take responsibility for screwing up. You know, like adults are supposed to do.
Then I change the channel and see a Trump flunky doing the exact same thing. Blaming Obama for something over a year after he is out of the job. Sooner or later something is your fault. Honestly I think voters would appreciate some honesty when it comes to politics.
All politicians are perfect....apparently. Nothing they do is ever wrong. If they think we are gullible enough to believe that, they will be surprised come election day.
Okay probably not.
Monday, 12 March 2018
It's Begun
Well we are into it. The basement renovation is officially underway. It's only been six years since the first flood....only...and now we are 100% sure the water issues are solved. So it's time. Past time.
John is a handy man extraordinaire. There is nothing he cannot do. He seems to enjoy doing it for the most part. I have noticed that he enjoyed it much more years ago when his knees and back were not so stiff but he perseveres. He also seems to enjoy it more when I don't change my mind about the final design halfway through. Imagine that!
The laundry room is almost done. I'd say 90%. We still need a few more cupboards and counter top for the folding area. Then a quick coat or two of paint and then comes my favorite part...making it pretty. I know it's just the laundry but I'm hoping if it's pretty I won't mind spending time there. I might be delusional on that front as well.
Drywall, floors and painting come next. Followed by a full bath. An entire room of storage and one small closet for Christmas stuff. That is a lot of work. And a lot of money. Again though, it's time for it to be done.
The first steps have been taken. Baby steps but steps none the less. Now all we have to do is stay focused on the goal. And stop watching Bryan Baeumler!
Saturday, 10 March 2018
Too Old?
Talk about double standards....Hugh Grant has welcomed his fifth child. Congratulations to all and I hope the child is healthy and happy. Did I mention he is 57? Not the child but Mr. Grant. Well he is.
Isn't that too old to have a child? By the time the child starts school Dad will be 60ish. Finishes high school...75. If this child decides to be a doctor the odds are his Dad will be long passed before that happens. Sorry Hugh but that's the statistics.
Yes there is no age limit for men to become fathers. Tony Randall had one at 77. Scotty from Star Trek had a child at 80. Both great men by all accounts but wouldn't people always assume they were the grandparent? Or worse yet the great grandparent? Of course they would. It would be a natural assumption.
Now imagine that was me, at say 52. Take the medical reasons off the table. Do you think everyone would be excited for me? Nope. People would be calling me insane and asking for psychiatric testing. Which I would probably accept by the way. Remember all the talk about Janet Jackson? She was criticized relentlessly. Fifty and having her first child was talked about almost as much as her Super Bowl halftime show!
Being a parent is much, much more than being able to reproduce, as anyone who has adopted can tell you. If you are happy for the Hugh's of the world then you must be happy for the Janet's too.
Personally...I think they are both crazy.
Thursday, 8 March 2018
Women's Day
Today we herald the success and strength of women throughout the world. We are serenaded with our achievements and our contribution to society. I for one do not want an International Women's Day. I want to be valued 365 days of the year. And here's how I what I want that to look like.
I want equal pay and benefits for the same job. If two positions are open at a company I want to make the exact same salary as my male counterpart. I don't want it legislated, I want it to be done because it's the right thing to do. And I want it in every profession across the board, whether you are a police officer, teacher or cashier at Walmart.
I want to be respected whether I'm a size 2 or 20. Blond or brunette. Cover of vogue pretty or pretty ugly. Whether I'm wearing haute couture or thrift store bargains. Treat me like you want to be treated. With kindness, respect and dignity.
I want to be free to wear whatever I want, when ever I want, without someone drooling over me or making comments. To be safe walking alone at night. Or in an elevator or car park after work. To know my boss or coworker won't make inappropriate comments about my body or sexuality. Decency and civility is all I ask for.
I want my opinions to be heard. My thoughts on politics and world affairs are important. Don't assume I know nothing about basketball or hockey or the crisis in Syria. Listen to what I have to say instead of brushing me aside. Don't label me a bitch because I don't agree with you and dare to say it out loud. Hear me when I speak no matter the topic. You might just learn something.
I want others to stand up for all that I've listed above. Especially men. I cannot fight this alone. I will need you to pave just as many roads and right as many wrongs as I do. Being a feminist isn't a bad word. Embrace it for what it really is....true equality.
Those are the things I want. At least some of them. The list is very long and always changing. But it's a start.
Happy Women's Day! Maybe soon we won't need one.
Monday, 5 March 2018
It's Almost Spring
I'm sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a second cup of coffee with the blinds open. The small birds are out so it can't be too cold. I can hear them tweeting and singing in the back hedge. After last weeks milder temperatures, I can see bits of green grass peeking through the snow. There is hope that spring is around the corner.
The pool is frozen of course. But the snow that was level to the top has melted and I can see the liner again. Progress. Most of the snow on the deck is gone and while you can't sit out there just yet I can see the swing moving in the morning breeze. Ok it's really a cold wind but the word breeze makes it seem warmer don't you think?
Calendars have by now been turned to show the month of March. The beautiful words "first day of spring" are written on that page. Still two weeks away but they are a beacon of light after a long Canadian winter. Not as harsh as most but as I get older I curse the snow and cold more and more.
Soon John will be outside building onto the deck. I will be pulling the patio furniture out of storage and looking for plants to fill the urns. The bbq will be blazing and the occasional dinner will be eaten outside in the early evening warmth.
Not long after that, the hum of the pool heater will be drowned out by the kids laughing and playing in the still too cold water. Too excited to wait any longer. The days will be filled with sunshine and warmth. Many days spent lazy by the pool with friends and family. The shaking of margaritas a common thing.
Canada Day party at my house. Stop on by. Too soon?
Sunday, 4 March 2018
Boys Will Be Boys
I remember a long time ago my friend Heather, who had just had her first baby, saying she wanted at least one more because she thought it would be sad if Nicole was an only child. That comment stuck with me and I could see her point about it being lonely. Especially once your parents had passed on. But right now two is two too many.
Boys are easier than girls they said. Yes they are rowdy and loud but overall an easier experience they said. Whoever said those things are complete liars and if I find out exactly who "they" are I will kick their asses for spreading such filthy lies. The boys are trying to drive us to the breaking point and are very close to accomplishing that goal.
Thirty seconds in the same room and all hell breaks loose. Who had the last two fries from the pan is a major drama. Don't get me started on the laptop. A piece of lint could cause an argument. This is how tequila got invented by the exhausted parent needed an escape from the insanity.
Apparently a four year age difference is too much. Or not enough depending on how you look at it. Their interests overflow just enough to annoy the other. Nothing is enjoyed together. Nothing.
Tonight I'm just thankful that the weekend is over and for most of the next five days they will be busy with their own schedules leaving little time to fight or argue. I'll need that time to fortify myself for the following week when they are both off school for a week. Including weekends that nine days. Nine.
Jose Cuervo you are about to become my new best friend!
Thursday, 1 March 2018
Morning Observations
Every so often I like to share the random things that pop out at me first thing in the morning. Some are interesting. Some are weird. Most make me shake my head in disbelief. Since we overslept, today they are fairly calm.
For a month I had no microwave. A first world problem I know. But for an entire month I woke up, made coffee and drank it. While it was hot. The part finally arrived and this morning I have reheated my coffee three times! Why is that?
Last year I was given a stern talking to by the crossing guard at the four-way stop on the way to school. All about how she was responsible for the safety of the children walking and I must listen to directions on when to cross. Even though she was talking to a parent about The Bachelor and no cars were in sight. This morning I watched her do a u-turn in front of my son's high school and almost hit two students. Do I still have to listen to her directions after seeing her disregard for children's safety?
Why do the Kardashian's get "push gifts" and the rest of us get babies? At a whopping 1.4 million dollars, what does a Ferrari have to do with giving birth? That can buy a lot of diapers not to mention college tuition. I don't know a single woman who received a gift other than flowers. Most didn't get that! Is giving birth so much harder for this family that they must be compensated? Apparently so.
Dick's Sporting Goods no longer sells assault rifles and will no longer sell any guns to persons under the age of 21. Bravo to them for doing what their government will not. Walmart soon followed suit with the age limit as they stopped selling assault rifles in 2015. That leaves Bass Pro Shop, who also own Cabelas, as the major main stream distributor. They have not made any noise on the subject. Doesn't it make sense to them?
That's enough for this morning. I'm going to go reheat my coffee...again. Fourth times the charm!
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