Saturday, 10 March 2018

Too Old?

  Talk about double standards....Hugh Grant has welcomed his fifth child. Congratulations to all and I hope the child is healthy and happy. Did I mention he is 57? Not the child but Mr. Grant. Well he is. 

  Isn't that too old to have a child? By the time the child starts school Dad will be 60ish. Finishes high school...75. If this child decides to be a doctor the odds are his Dad will be long passed before that happens. Sorry Hugh but that's the statistics.

  Yes there is no age limit for men to become fathers. Tony Randall had one at 77. Scotty from Star Trek had a child at 80. Both great men by all accounts but wouldn't people always assume they were the grandparent? Or worse yet the great grandparent? Of course they would. It would be a natural assumption.

  Now imagine that was me, at say 52. Take the medical reasons off the table. Do you think everyone would be excited for me? Nope. People would be calling me insane and asking for psychiatric testing. Which I would probably accept by the way. Remember all the talk about Janet Jackson? She was criticized relentlessly. Fifty and having her first child was talked about almost as much as her Super Bowl halftime show!

  Being a parent is much, much more than being able to reproduce, as anyone who has adopted can tell you. If you are happy for the Hugh's of the world then you must be happy for the Janet's too.

  Personally...I think they are both crazy.


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