Friday 23 March 2018


  Recently I've noticed people are losing their minds, not to mention their common decency, when it comes to politics and policies. Their words have become harsh, rude and nasty. The words idiot, moron and loser have come up more than once in conversation. This moves a discussion from polite and friendly to adversarial and rude.

  Once you resort to name calling you've lost me. I no longer care what your point was. Whether I agree with you or not. If you can only make your case by name-calling or yelling, you have no point worth making. Not to me anyway. Now that the U.S. President has made this a daily occurrence, everyone feels they can leave common decency behind them and go for the jugular.

  This phenomenon, I had hoped wouldn't migrate north but it did. We too have abandoned our "Canadian niceness" when it comes to politics, immigration and equality. We have allowed Trump and his nastiness to invade our country. 

  Want proof? Look at your Facebook or Twitter feeds. See for yourself how people have become unfiltered. Some even attack their own families just as harshly as total strangers. Imagine what Easter dinner will look like in some homes this year! A free for all...with wine.

  Like many, I enjoy conversing about the state of the world and what affects us directly, both here and abroad. I do try to be as polite and honest about it as possible. Without crossing lines that cannot be uncrossed. Words are seldom forgotten. Especially those that are said in the heat of an argument over a topic we hold dear.

  Remember that phrase your Grandma used to say when you were a kid...If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all.



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