Monday, 30 December 2019

Looks Like We Made It

  Well we did it!!! We made it thru Christmas dinner with no muss or fuss. Just a relaxing meal with family and no harsh words. The kitchen was even spotless by the time we were ready for bed. That to me is a huge success. I hope yours went as well as ours. 

  Now we are in these weird days where we are not aware of what day of the week it is or what time of day. We walk around in a holiday coma and hope we make it thru to January 6 when all things go back to normal. When regular workdays and only three meals a day become the norm again. And wine becomes a glass with dinner, not something we start on at noon...or before.

  There is nothing wrong with celebrating the holidays however we want. Some times it does us all good to let our hair down and let loose a little. In fact, it might do some of us a world of good. But the little intermission of life must be treated as such...a little break and not a new lifestyle.

  Now as we make our way towards the new year we are reminded just how much mess our kids make and the amount they eat! And while they are nearly impossible to wake up for school they are up way too early during the break. With cries of " Mom can you drive me to" and "I'm bored can we" I'm ready for them to go back to school even if they aren't.

  It's the happiest time of the year for many of us. And the longest. I hope your holiday season, whatever you may celebrate, was a success. Not perfect but a time when memories were made. 

  Now off you a vegetable.


Friday, 20 December 2019

A Time of Giving

  Tis the season to be jolly or so the song says. If you've been to the grocery or the mall in the past few days you know that's a sham. There is very little in the way of happiness and joy going on outside of your home. There is, however, a lot of stress, anxiety, and unhappiness. Have we all missed the true way to celebrate during this time of year?

  The majority of us will spend too much money, eat and drink too much and not get enough sleep over the next two weeks. Tired, bloated and broke does not make us very merry people. Yet here we are...just like last year. And sadly probably next year too.

   When I was a kid I don't remember my parents being stressed. Yes we had no money and gifts were small and few but we always watched Charlie Brown's Christmas and the Grinch as a family. We piled in the car and drove around looking at lights. Boxing day we went visiting aunts and uncles and while the adults looked at the gifts, the kids went sledding and drank hot chocolate and ate cookies. The entire week was spent having fun and laughter was in the air. I wonder how many homes are lacking in both.

  Even now I remember how Charlie always came for dessert on Christmas day. He showed up as if on cue when Mom would put the apple pie on the table. He would have coffee or tea, a piece of pie and chat for about a half-hour then go home to Aunt Charlotte's turkey dinner. And my grandfather going to everyone's house to look at the trees and then play cards and eat leftover turkey and meat pies. Even though he didn't travel much with his wooden leg in the winter. Presents? Nope don't remember one. Aunt Jean's shortbread cookies with rum icing? You bet I do.

  Look I'm not saying giving gifts isn't important. Quite the opposite. I believe giving is the most important thing to do during this time of year. But not material things. Give yourself. Visit a widowed neighbor or call a relative you don't normally talk to. Invite friends over for dinner...hotdogs are just as okay as a fancy meal. Use last year's gift card and buy coffee for as many folks in line at Starbucks as you can. Singalong to the carols in the elevator and watch people smile. People remember these small gestures and enjoy them more than you know.

  Finally, I should add that while I say let's spend more time with those we enjoy and be less stressed and anxious, I know some won't be able to do just that. So if someone says no thank you to a party invite or a dinner, don't ask them why. Just say you will miss having them there and if they change their mind they are more than welcome. Or they call and cancel last minute. Don't add to their stress load by almost demanding a reason. No is enough any time of the year but it's especially enough this time of year. 

  I hope you find a way to do everything I suggested. I hope I do too!




Thursday, 12 December 2019

Daily Observations

  I've been perusing the news articles this morning and thought I should share a few observations. Some good. Some not so good. 

  The Republican Senators in the US have sold their souls to Trump. Lock stock and barrel. This man could actually walk into Times Square and shoot fifty people and these old, white politicians would say he did nothing wrong. Trump is who he is...a blowhard and a narcissist.  But these folks used to have some integrity. It is now 100% gone. They look foolish and hypocritical and I doubt the world will ever fully trust them again. Not the best way to finish your political career gentlemen. 

  A runner slapped a reporter on the butt during a race last weekend in Georgia while she was giving a live update. The look on this woman's face says it all. Shock, embarrassment, disbelief. Now this man has come forth and apologized saying he was "caught up in the moment". What the hell does that mean? If there weren't so many people would he have done something even worse? With the same excuse? His lawyer said he is "a loving husband and father". Well what a great role model you are for your children Dad and I would bet my life savings he will be hearing from his wife for a very long time about this incident. Men need to smarten the hell up. Fast.

  The Santa Clause has been voted the best holiday movie of all time. I can't believe it beat out It's A Wonderful Life or A Christmas Carol, my two personal favorites. A Charlie Brown Christmas was on the list though it's a tv show and pretty short. I still watch it every year at least once and will continue to do so. I was shocked though that Die Hard made the list. I have never seen it but apparently it takes place during Christmas and that's enough to classify it as a holiday movie. Oh well to each his own I suppose.

  A new report says every single Canadian will overspend on the holidays. Between food, drink and presents we will all be feeling the pinch come January. Are we all that irresponsible? Apparently so. We always do. And probably always will. January is always a little lean for us and we are okay with that.

  Andrew Scheer, the conservative leader, has announced he is stepping down as leader. After the last election it was inevitable I guess. Depending on your politics you might be dancing for joy or crying in your drink. My son does a fantastic impression of him so I guess he will have to find a new target. Good luck to you in your job search.

  That's the headlines of the morning. All the ones not impeachment related I should say. Or Meghan Markle. Or something about the Queen. Seriously I'm tired of all of it. Let's hear about Santa or some real-life do-good elves. Ohhh maybe a story about a stay-at-home blogger who wins the lottery. 

  A girl can dream can't she?




Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Realistic Holiday Advice

  As we come full swing into the holiday season I have a few things for you to consider. Hopefully, they will make the hectic stressful weeks to come a little easier. And maybe even a bit more enjoyable. Here goes...

  Your friends don't care if your house is spotless. As long as they have a place to sit and a clean glass for wine they are content. They aren't looking at the state of the floors or the dishes in the sink. What they are looking at is the smile on your face and the lights on the tree. Throwing a box of chocolates on the coffee table is an added bonus.

  Presents are not that important. You don't need something for every person who drops in. Even wine or candy can push your budget to the breaking point. Your hospitality and kindness are gifts enough for your family and true friends. Who knows they might be relieved you bought them nothing cause we never really know what shape other people's finances are in.

  Kids want to spend time with you. Period. Watching a movie, playing cards or a board game. Just your undivided attention for a bit of time. Show them that they are more important than anything else at the holidays and they will remember that longer than what gift they got.

  Store-bought cookies are just as good as homemade. Really they are. Put them on a nice platter and voila instant goodies. The same goes for dinner rolls, frozen veggies, and fruit platters taken home from the grocery. Hell if you can afford to have someone else cook your entire holiday meal...go for it! If anyone tries to shame you for it smile and tell them you chose to spend time with them over cooking. That should shut them up fast.

  You don't have to go to everything or really anything you are invited to. Nothing will happen. The world will go on. Some folks will miss seeing you but their party won't be ruined if you don't grace them with your presence. If you think it will be stressful or you would rather have a nap then stay home. Put on your pajamas and spend the time with your kids or spouse. I promise it's okay.

  Eating and drinking too much will be a fact of life. Don't beat yourself up for it. Keep some Pepto in the house and accept it. Self-help sites will tell you to eat something before you go and for the one or two of you who will do that, I'm happy for you. The rest of us, who are much more self-aware, will try every dip, sweet, chicken wing and cracker put before us. Whether we ate before we left home or not. Just make sure you have a designated driver or an Uber booked. Drinking and driving is the fastest way to ruin the season...and the year to come.

  Nothing will go perfectly. The kids will be cranky, Uncle Bob will drink too much and say something inappropriate or the furnace will stop working. You won't fit into your perfect holiday outfit or you'll forget the cranberries. Take a breath then laugh it off. If it's not a big deal to you it won't be to those around you. It's not as if you are the only person it has ever happened to. Every one of us has been through it. We all feel your pain.

   Finally, we only have so much time on this planet. Our holiday seasons are numbered. Spend them with those you love. Doing things you love. Anyone who has lost a loved one will tell you that nothing else really matters. I would never ask for another gift in my life if my Dad could be here with us this Christmas. Cherish your people while you can.


Monday, 18 November 2019

Cruise Reviews

  We are a family that loves to cruise. To date, we have completed eleven with one more booked and ready for the new year. Needless to say, we are excited to hear about new ships being added to cruise lines and the adventures we can look forward to. I've been following the reviews and comments on these new ships and their services and I must say I'm disappointed. Not in the ships themselves but in the way they are being showcased. Let me explain.

  I've read many posts on Captain's Suites, 2 bedroom suites, exclusive access to pools, restaurants, dinners with the Captain and freebies. Concierge service, private butlers and preferred seatings and reservations have all been explained and promoted. Everything looks marvelous and luxurious. A true example of decadence on the high seas. 

  But here's the thing, one such new vessel has 80 of these luxury suites and 284 mini-suites. Compare that to 1112 balcony rooms and 567 ocean view and inside cabins. Why are all the reviews about 18% of the rooms? The ones the average customer will not be booking? Does that make sense?

  Let's look at a family of 4, seven day Caribbean cruise with a balcony cabin on this newest ship. With all the "freebies" it comes to almost 7K Canadian. One of the 2 bedroom villas slides in at a whopping $23,700....three times the amount! My family could do the same cruise three times in a balcony cabin for the price of one luxurious suite. Is it just me or does that make sense to everyone?

  So why am I not hearing anything about the places the average traveler will be booking? Are we not as important? Do these travel bloggers and agents believe their glowing reviews will miraculously increase our vacation budgets because they tell us about our kids having their own room? Do they honestly think we don't want that already? Cause we do. We really do.

  Look I know these companies want their premium rooms my example above it's $12 million in "regular" cabins as compared to $4 million in the suites. That's a huge incentive to fill those pricier rooms. But travel agents probably book a lot more of the cheaper rooms than the expensive ones so perhaps they should focus a little bit on those. 

  Travel bloggers need to be a bit more realistic too. If they weren't being comped the suites how many would actually be traveling that way? My guess is not very many. Even someone I know who won the lottery didn't get the Captain's suite. We can all dream but when it comes to vacations we need a healthy dose of reality too.

  But hey Royal Carribean if you want to upgrade me and my family on our spring getaway I'll talk about whatever you want! Did I mention we would really like our kids to have their own room?


Monday, 11 November 2019

Saturday, 9 November 2019

Being Responsible Sucks

  In my ongoing attempt to be a responsible adult I did not give in to an overwhelming urge to go Christmas vacation hunting when I saw the first snowflakes last weekend. I fought through the craving to rent a condo in Florida for the two-week break when I woke up to snow on the ground. I even managed to control myself when that snow didn't melt and is still clinging to the earth this morning. But I wonder if my will power will hold out on this -13 morning.

  I know if we want to finish the never-ending home renos we cannot go south. Not to an island resort, a cheap condo, or even a tent in the Everglades. I know that. But my dislike of being cold has more control over me than I care to admit. A small part of my brain is already saying we don't really need a sectional or a fridge for the basement. That would get us close to a week in the heat, wouldn't it?

  Now two days later with said snow still there and my house being a whopping 13.5 degrees when I came downstairs, my resolve is almost completely gone. I can hear the waves hitting the shoreline. I can feel the sand between my toes. Can you hear the hiss of the sunscreen as I spray my arms? I can. But I can also hear John whispering in my ear "Snap out of it!" And that is louder than the waves and the can. Even the sand is dissolving into popcorn on the kitchen floor. Right now I'm hating the sound of his voice!

  Oh to be young and carefree again. With no responsibilities and extra money for impromptu getaways. No kids sports to pay for or university costs to think about. No braces or orthotics to drain our bank account. Ahhhh the good old days when we could be self-centered and selfish.

  That's the thing about being responsible...sometimes it sucks. Doing what's best for our family comes first. But a condo on the beach for two weeks comes a very close second!





Monday, 4 November 2019

Monday Morning Rant

  If every single person who whined and complained about Christmas decorations before Remembrance Day went to a cenotaph on November 11 imagine the crowds. Instead, they are pretending to be so indignant about whether someone puts up a tree in October. Hypocrites. You are all hypocrites.

  Those of you who find my decorations or lights offensive....stop talking to me. Unfriend me on Facebook. Don't follow me on Twitter or Instagram. Don't come to my house or call my phone. Until you fight for veterans' rights 365 days out of the year instead of showing false indignation for one, pretend like I no longer exist.

  Sounds harsh, doesn't it? I can tell you I know first hand the sacrifices soldiers have made and continue to make. I know well the nightmares and horrors that never went away for my uncle after returning from WW2. The stories he couldn't speak about because the human mind is not capable of processing such atrocities. Did he go through all of that so we could have the freedom to play Jingle Bells on November 3? Absolutely.

  I've heard the stories of ships being bombed and my father-in-law losing friends to the cold North Atlantic. He was lucky to survive. Yet I'm sure the screams and smells still are fresh in his mind. Again, experiencing unimaginable horrors that live in your soul forever. Did he go through all that so my kids could decorate a tree with their Grandmother in October? You betcha.

  In my own life, I have said goodbye to my husband on too many occasions to count. He's missed birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, funerals, name it he's been gone when it's happened. Not to mention spending days looking for a missing hiker who is found frozen to death or spending weeks taking what's left of a plane crash out of the ocean. He spent months watching children starve to death during a drought and those faces are still fresh in his memory years later.

  So when you are criticizing people for being excited about the upcoming holiday season ask yourself these questions... Am I honoring Veterans and their service every day of the year or just this particular day? Am I contacting my MP's to increase funding for VA and their programs? Am I compassionate and supportive of serving military members and their families throughout the year? 

  If the answer to any of these is no then do yourself a favor and stop being so judgemental towards others. Don't forget these brave men and women fought, and are fighting, for your freedom to live your life as you want. Without restrictions. You complaining and me decorating is exactly what they lost their lives over. Remember that. 

  And if you still are offended...ask a veteran. See what they say.


Sunday, 27 October 2019

Welcome Guests, Goodbye Dust

  Why is it our house is never so clean as when we have company coming to stay? Don't we deserve to live in the cleanliness we give to our visitors? Can I not admire a sparkling mirror or dust-free coffee table as well as my guests? The short answer.....nope!

  Today we have a very special house guest coming. And even the kids have taken notice. Both bedrooms have been cleaned and vacuumed. If you are the parent of a teenager or two you know that's a rarity. Sheets changed and dishes brought downstairs. It's a Christmas miracle! One that will last only as long as the visit does but I'll take it.

  We are all guilty of it. Even the meals we prepare are a little nicer with guests. Better presentation and we even tend to eat at the dining room table not standing around the island or in front of a tv somewhere. Like civilized people. Or a family that doesn't inhale their food as the kids argue and the parents continually telling them to stop.

  ......It's now three days later. I got sidetracked cleaning and didn't come back to finish writing. The house is still clean. Maybe even cleaner than Thursday. And while we are enjoying the cleanliness we are all aware that it is the visitor that is important NOT the lack of dust bunnies!


Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Lesson Learned

  I made a mistake yesterday. It was a foolish one and I instantly hated myself for it. It's been a very long time since I fell prey to it but in a moment of weakness I gave in. You might have guessed it already...I responded to an internet troll. Huge mistake.

  We all know the phrase keyboard courage, some of you might even be guilty of it. Those who try to get a reaction out of total strangers by spewing venom out into the Twitterverse. Normally when one of these trolls comments on my post I ignore it. If a second comment appears and I give no response it's normally the end and they move on. But last night my better judgement disappeared and not only did I engage but I attacked back. Not very smart on my part.

  Once there was engagement the comments became more and more aggressive. I found myself defending an opinion that was neither controversial nor outlandish. Just my own and widely well-received. And each comment, both his and my own, angered me and made me want to respond even more. A vicious cycle that I can see clearly now. Not so much yesterday though.

  Most angering today is I know better. It's not the first time this has happened and I'm sure it won't be the last. My reaction to it was disappointing and I will think twice before I engage again but disappointing none the less. It's a weakness I need to work on.

  A few months ago a "friend" on social media attacked my opinion on a topic and was relentless to prove me wrong. Several times the phrase "your opinion is irrelevant" was stated. That is my red flag. No opinion is anything except your own and you are entitled to one. Telling me mine doesn't matter because yours is correct is arrogant and a little cruel. Especially to someone you consider a "friend". FYI...we are no longer friends.

  When we put our thoughts out into the social media universe we cannot control other people's reactions to our words. Only how we respond to theirs. From now on I'm not responding at all.




Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Election Hangover

  Canada is waking up this morning to a post-election day hangover. Once again we went to the polls to see who will be our leader and now we need to live with our choice. Depending on where you live you are waking up to some different representatives. But it's done and it's time to get back to the issues we need solved. Time for those 338 folks to get to work.

  This time we have a minority government with Justin Trudeau back in the Prime Minister's chair but he will need some help from the NDP's to pass things and keep power. While some like the idea of checking one party's power others not so much. With a $445 million dollar price tag, they better make it work long term! We cannot afford to have elections every year or so at that price. Not to mention the weeks and weeks of campaigning. It's too much.

  One major thing I noticed is that different parts of the country have no idea what the other parts are thinking. The prairie provinces went completely Conservative except for six seats. Folks in major cities, who tend to be more liberal, can't understand why. But that bewilderment goes both ways. I've seen many people on my own social media feeds who are ranting about Trudeau and how horrible he is. They all tend to be voters from rural areas. Scheer gets just as much criticism from the city dwellers.

  I know I say this too often but because we have lived across the country we happen to have first-hand knowledge of the huge differences in thinking from different areas. The majority of Albertans are more concerned about oil and gas production than anything else including healthcare and education. It is the basis of their economy so it naturally is number one. But city folks, who have access to many more unique forms of industry and careers have different priorities. If you are on the east coast of Canada you want to not be excluded from the growth other places seem to be enjoying and local access to healthcare. None is more important than the other.

  Now that it is all over, including the crying, let's move ahead. No matter who you voted for this is what we got. Let's hope they have some wisdom, a little decency, some common sense and a desire to do good. 

  Let's hope we aren't doing this again too soon. My brain couldn't take it.



Monday, 21 October 2019

Wrong...So Very Wrong

  There are 27.4 million eligible voters in Canada. Of those, 1.4 million marked an "X" beside the NDP candidate giving them 26 seats. Another 850,000 voted for the Bloc, only in the province of Quebec, resulting in 32 seats. Look at those numbers again. But wait it gets worse. With just over 600,000 votes the Green Party of Canada now has...wait for it....3 seats! How can this possibly be???

  The need for election reform is evident in the previous paragraph. NO WAY should this be a reality. You only run candidates in one province, get six hundred thousand fewer votes than another party, yet you have six more seats? WTH?? This is so wrong on so many levels. We need to fix this and now.

  Yes our population is spread far and wide and yes most people are based in Ontario and Quebec but they are not the entire country. And they shouldn't have a bigger say than other places. But the idea that a party that runs in only one province can have more seats with fewer votes than one with significantly more votes is....well wrong.

  Tomorrow I will talk more about the election but I really needed to get this off my chest tonight. Not really a rant but close. Night all!


Vote Vote Vote

  It's been a long 40 days but we made it through! It's election day in Canada!! Time for all Canadians 18 and older to get to their local polling station and decide who gets to run this great country of ours. What a responsibility. What a privilege. Now we wait to see what the next government will look like.

  Unlike the US our elections are fast. This year roughly 7 weeks were spent campaigning, advertising and debating. Even in that relatively short period of time, we got sick of the rhetoric. We were tired of hearing what the other party is going to ruin for the country. Our patience for politicians seems to be quite low.

  Four years ago 68% of the eligible voters actually voted. That seems like a lot but apparently, it's historically not. People don't vote for many reasons and not all make sense. Some don't want to be called for jury duty which seems like the most ridiculous reason. Others believe all politicians are crooks and won't waste their time. Still others believe that their one little ballot won't make a difference so why bother. All of those statements are false. Well not the jury duty one but definitely the others. 

  Those who do not vote lose their right to complain about decisions the government my humble opinion. If you refuse to be part of the process you cannot gripe about the conclusion. 

  Do your civic duty today. Go vote. Have a say in the running of your country. Then sit back with the rest of us and hope we made the right choice!


Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Post Debate Recap

  Last night I spent two hours watching the Canadian federal leaders debate. Now we were really looking for a fleeting glimpse of our future Prime Minister son in the audience. He was the sixteen-year-old who looked like he had just won the lottery in the front row! But I also took a few things away from it that I never realized before. I thought I would share them in case you didn't watch.

  Whoever decided that the leader of the Bloq Quebecois, Yves Francois Blanchett, should be on the stage was 100% wrong. This party is only running candidates in Quebec and their main focus is on separating from Canada. So why give him a countrywide platform? To spread their hatred for the rest of the country? To let him talk about Bill 21 that is hate-filled and racist? It was disgraceful. does show how confident we are in our freedoms to allow a party based on separation to exist.  But Mr. Blanchett should have stayed home.

  Jagmeet Singh is fun. He was very natural and more laid back so to speak than the others. I could almost believe his answers were unscripted, though I doubt that was the case, and his one on one debates showed his ability to throw a punch or two. Of course, he had the sound bite of the night with "Mr. Delay & Mr. Deny". That was laugh out loud funny. I'm not sure if he garnered any votes last night but he certainly didn't lose any.

  Andrew Scheer is not the world's greatest speaker. And he didn't seem to want to answer any questions but was very good at insulting Trudeau. But we aren't Americans and that doesn't necessarily go down well with Canadians. We are a polite country remember?  He seems to have forgotten that his party was in power for twelve years and a lot of what he was talking about not being done was under a PC Prime Minister. That's a political trait, not just one for their leaders.

  Elizabeth May is.....well she is Elizabeth May. She is animated, two-topic focused yet and easy to dismiss. She might be the savior of Canada and the air we breath if we stopped and listened. I believe she should not be running the country but she sure as hell should have the head of the table chair when it comes to combatting climate change. Both here and abroad. 

  Prime Minister Trudeau was his normal calm relaxed self that comes from years of practice. But he's not a good debater. A good speaker yes but not a debater. Sometimes all I heard was blah blah blah. No substance. Oh wait that could go for several of them. He will probably be re-elected in two weeks but I'm thinking not as easily as last time. Last night certainly did him no favors.

  I've left Maxime Bernier for last for a reason. Blanchett is a separatist and proudly states it. He hides behind nothing and is brutally honest in what he wants for "his people" and "his Quebec". But Bernier...he is sneaky. He is a racist and wants no more immigrants admitted into Canada. Yet he doesn't say that. Not really. He wants immigration but with very stringent rules and a cap. Bernier even went to far as to say that immigrants should take on "our Canadian values". Mr. Bernier with all due respect your Canadian values are not mine. Nor are they the ones most Canadians live by. You are exploiting people's fears and prejudices and trying to become a northern Trump. Again we are not Americans and we will not stand for your hate.

   There you have it. My humble take away from last night. Though I will share with you the true winner of the son. He was excited, overwhelmed and in awe. He told me he never imagined being in the same room, and in the front row no less, with the five leaders of our political parties and that he would remember this night forever. That sounds like a clear win to me!



Monday, 30 September 2019


  The city of Ottawa lost another hero on Friday, Det. Thomas Roberts. At the age of 35, he decided that life was not worth living anymore and died by his own hand in the police station. It is a tragedy for all of us and I cannot express enough my sympathies to his family, friends, and coworkers. Unfortunately, my family has first-hand knowledge of the effects of suicide on those left behind and my heart cries for this young man's wife and infant child.

  Police officers, firefighters, military personnel, EMT's they all see the worst of humanity. On a daily basis, they are thrust into situations that human beings are not meant to deal with. Yet they go to work tomorrow and the next day, protecting us and putting our lives above their own. Now it's our turn.

  We need to press our leaders in all of these fields to make counseling mandatory. Every month perhaps and if the counselor deems it necessary making it a weekly event. And no one gets out of it. No one. You never know when or how PTSD will present itself so everyone must be taken care of. We owe them at least that.

  It will be expensive. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of people. But worth every penny if we can stop even one person from hurting themselves or someone else. All from the effects of what we, as a people, ask them to do. Surely that is worth any expense.

  Over the years I personally have seen the effects of PTSD and it's staggering how many first responders suffer from it. Being part of the military community for many years we have watched people suffer thru and finally succumb to the demons in their minds. It is heartbreaking to see. I can't imagine living through it first hand. 

  Yet over the years we have also watched people suffer and become whole again. With therapy and medication, they heal. They go on and lead productive lives. Parents, spouses,'s who they were and I've seen them become those people again. It's a life long illness and they need life long treatment. 

  I hope that Det Roberts has found the peace he craved. I hope those who loved him can figure out in the days and years ahead how to make peace with what he did. And I so hope someone will make our heroes mental health a priority and we never have to experience this again.


Friday, 27 September 2019

Put Away The Scissors

  10,000 of anything is a lot. That many teachers being taken out of the Ontario school system is astronomical. Add, on average, eight more students into the classroom according to the Minister of Education. What does that mean for our children? It means that the leaders of this province are setting them up to fail. And they will. How could they not?

  As I type this my son has twenty-seven students in his class. All at varying levels of knowledge. In a seventy-five minute class, there are approximately sixty minutes of teaching and fifteen that is devoted to one-on-one help as the class does homework and the teacher has a few spare seconds to help those who didn't quite get the lesson. 

  Now let's do the math. That is under one minute per student the teacher has to give them their undivided attention. What can she/he possibly show a student in under thirty seconds? Let me tell you what....NOTHING. And that's now. Add the eight students "average" increase and see the numbers plummet even more. Too bad for those students who need help or the teacher to go over it one more time. Sorry outta time.

  The blame can't be put on the teacher. Not in this case. Class sizes are already too large. And I get it money is tight and we need to start living within our means however.....not by cutting education. There must be other places pennies can be saved.

  When they cut funding to education parents are expected to step up and cover the shortfall. By that I mean tutors and online courses. Which is great if your parents can afford to do that. But the harsh reality is most can't. So we have a two-tier education system that penalizes the poor yet again. That continues the cycle of poverty perhaps for another generation. 

  Which brings me to my next question...does the government cuts to education make other programs need more money? If I can't get a well-paying job because my parents couldn't afford extra help for me and I can't get into secondary education won't the government at some point probably be helping me make ends meet? Or have me using their other programs? Like social services or subsidized housing or daycare? Are they not taking away from one to help me and putting it into something else to help me? Wouldn't you help more people by putting more money into education? Makes sense to me.

  I have no answers. I can't balance my own budget let alone give advice to the province. But I am 100% certain that cutting funding to education is a lose-lose situation. One that we all will feel for many years to come!


Monday, 23 September 2019


  It's finished. Over. Done. I'm beaten. Defeated. Done. You won. I lost. I say uncle. In all caps. Did I mention I'm done?

  No matter what you may call it.....agua, su, voda, eau or dad's my nemesis. Yes, I mean water. The scariest five letter word in my vocabulary. My ears hurt when they hear it and my throat constricts when trying to speak it. Just seeing it now causes my insides to curl. I can't speak for my hubby but if I was a betting person I'd put a few bucks on him agreeing with me 100%.

  I can't give you details, it's too late and I'm too defeated, but let's say it is another kick in the ass we didn't need! Just know that once again we were in the basement mopping up water and leaving a fan on overnight.

  I'm aware this is a first-world problem. In the grand scheme of things, it's unimportant and minor. But right now, at this second, it's yet one more set back in the decade of setbacks. And I'm done.

  I hate this house.


Saturday, 21 September 2019

My Downton Abbey Review

  Finally! Finally! It's here! The Downton Abbey movie premiered yesterday! I've been excited about this film for almost a year. I'm not a big movie-goer normally but I was front and center for this one. And it did not disappoint!

  I'm not going to give you any real spoilers. Ok I'll try really hard not to. The premise is that the King and Queen are on a tour of the north country and stay at the Abbey for a night. Then the real fun begins! What an honor for the Crawleys yet a nightmare too. Clothes, jewels, the house...all on display. Everything must be perfect. It is the Queen after all.

  Downstairs there is both excitement and anger. Imagine serving the Queen!!! No one is more excited than Mr. Mosely who never goes unnoticed in a scene. In both the series and the film. There are lots of changes for the servants since we saw them last but they are all there and their stories are a continuation of the ones we know and love. With one exception which I will talk about later.

  I heard it was supposed to be about 18 months later on from the series but I'm not sure that's true. Sibby and George look the right age but Mary and Henry's daughter seems older than that. As does the son of Mr & Mrs. Bates. The kids, as always, are seen but not heard. Exactly as they would have been in real life in those times. 

  The real star of the movie, besides Maggie Smith, is the Abbey and the clothes. On the big screen, everything seems more opulent and rich. The smallest details of the clothes stand out and the jewels sparkle and shimmer. It's amazing that there is such a difference between the big and small screens. I'd bet money an Oscar for Best Costume Design is in their future.

  The Dowager Countess Violet is in perfect form. She has the greatest lines of the movie. Her strength, sarcasm and arrogance come through in every sentence. Dame Smith knows how to deliver a zinger like no other. At 84 she shows the others how it's done! Her chemistry with Penelope Wilton's Isobel makes for some of the movies best scenes. Just like in the series.

  I'll tell you nothing about Mosely. Except he is the scene-stealer of the movie. But one thing I was waiting to find out about wasn't mentioned or even hinted at, the budding love story between Mrs. Patmore and Mr. Mason. It was so subtle and sweet in the final season of the tv show I had hoped it would have been included in the movie. Maybe the next one!

  This movie is exactly the escape we need right now. Like all really good films, it helps us escape from our own lives for a few hours. We care about these characters and their lives. It's almost like meeting old friends and catching up over a cup of tea and a little port. Even if you didn't watch the series, and you should, the movie explains itself somewhat for newbies. Trust me you will love it.

  I can't wait to see it again! 



Monday, 16 September 2019

Healthcare Debate....Canada vs US

   I know I've written a few times about the debate the United States seems to be having almost daily about healthcare. They can call it Universal healthcare or Medicare For All but whatever they decide to call it they certainly won't be using Canada as a model because they have no idea exactly what ours is or how it works.

  In my life, I have never "paid" to visit the doctor. Not in my province of residence or when traveling across this beautiful country. I take out my health card and see a doctor. No one asks for my credit card or proof of insurance just that little card that I have possessed since birth. I can have ten million dollars in the bank or just ten cents, my bill is the same. Zero.

  When a baby is born in Canada their birth is registered and a healthcare card comes in the mail so I guess we do "opt-in". We prefer to call it birth but you can call it whatever you like. And based on that information you can figure out how and when we "opt-out". 

  Now that I have the card, almost every single thing medical is covered. Most cosmetic surgery isn't covered like a facelift or skin tag removal. But if you are in an accident it most certainly covers reconstruction. Need a dermatologist, gynecologist, neurologist or nephrologist? Covered. Heart surgery? Covered. Appendix removed? Covered. Broken leg, stitches or sprained wrist? Check, check, check. 

  My doctor is paid by the provincial government. The office bills for each visit unless the doctor works on salary. If I need to see a specialist, again free, I am referred. Unlike my GP, who I pick myself, I have very little say in who that will be. Mostly because there isn't an overabundance of them in many specialties. 99% of all tests that are ordered, by any physician, are covered. MRI, CT Scans, pap tests, bloodwork etc all taken care of by the government. 

  We do pay for some things. And that's where insurance comes into play. Prescription drugs, eye exams, and physio, among others, comes out of our own pockets. But if you are in a certain income bracket there are programs to cover, or at least off-set, the cost. The people who administer these services even help you figure it all out. Canadians are so nice!

  Is our system perfect? Not even close.  But no one, NO ONE, is ever denied healthcare. Ever. Because Canadians believe it is a right not a privilege. Which most of the US population does not seem to. Or at least their government doesn't. 

  So after explaining all that let's talk about what is always said next by US politicians who oppose everyone having access to free healthcare. "It's not free you pay in your taxes." That's absolutely true we do. Those who make more pay more. I pay for my elderly neighbor, who paid for me when I was a kid and so on. Canadians take care of each other.

  People in the US pay taxes. Just like us, they get libraries, schools, sidewalks, and roads from their paycheck deductions. We Canadians get the added bonus of healthcare. We all agree we pay too way too much in taxes. But we also all agree we would never reduce them if it meant losing or diminishing our healthcare. It's just too important.

  Bottom line, for me anyway, every single person on the planet has the right to healthcare. Income, geography, and pre-existing conditions should never play a role in it. And if you want others to call you the greatest country in the world you better lead by example......and you are not.




Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Me A Travel Agent?

  If you've read this blog more than once, you are aware I love to travel. I'll go just about anywhere at just about any time. I can go by plane, train, boat or automobile. I'm not fussy just as long as it's an adventure in a new environment. Who am I kidding...I'll go to the same place again and again if it's nice!

  One thing I like almost as much as traveling is planning my travel. I do tons of research on where to go, what to see, what to avoid. Then I figure out costs, schedules and whether to leave it on the go-to list. I enjoy the process almost as much as the actual trip. It's frustrating for some family members as I might be telling them about an adventure six months down the road as if they too should be excited like I am. Which, by the way, they are not.

  John has asked me several times over the past few years why I'm not doing it as a source of income. I've wondered it myself and now I am actively looking into it. I think I would love it...or hate it. What if I had a client who didn't realize a good deal when they saw it? Or was unrealistic with their expectations? Would I still find the joy in helping those folks plan their dream vacation? I can't be sure.

  I don't know if this will come to fruition. I hope so. Til then I can drive my family nuts with info on our next family get-away. Which is more than 180 days away. 

  They'll get over it.


Monday, 9 September 2019

A Little Cocky

  With the first week of school under our belts and a chance to embrace the quiet that comes from a few hours of solitude each day, it's time to get back into the swing of my September thru June life. That includes many things I push aside when I can spend more time with my family. But today is week two and I'm determined that this school year I won't waste as much time as I did last year.

  So this morning I used my coffee-fuelled energy to tackle the laundry. Not washing it. Not drying it. But sorting out who owns what and who outgrew what. That is something I have put off for weeks. I'm pretty sure already we will be pants shopping this week. For both kids. As fascinating as this is I am taking a break to talk about something much more interesting.

  While I was sorting I had the news on in the background. Filler noise I call it. And I couldn't help but stop when I heard that commentators are calling Bianca Andrescu "almost cocky". Compared to Serena Williams????  Who in the world of women's tennis could be considered cockier than either Venus or Serena?? Surely not the young Canadian who won the US Open.

  But wait....cockiness? You don't hear that word associated with Andy Murray. Or Nadal. Or Federer. They are called confident, dominant and explosive. Their mental fortitude is emphasized and praised. Their physical awareness and effort congratulated. But they are not called cocky.

  So why is Bianca? Or Serena? Why can't they just be called confident? Or dominant? Why do they bear a burden that doesn't exist in the male world of tennis? Or for that matter sport in general? Isn't excellence gender neutral?

  Worse yet it wasn't just male commentators saying it. Some were even trying to infer that the grunts coming from expending so much brute strength were exaggerated. Unladylike if you will. Never mind these women are at a level of sports you and I can't even dream of, they need to be dainty and meek.

  Well the hell with that! Bianca won against her idol. Imagine her nerves walking down that tunnel. But she pulled up her big girl panties, took a deep breath and got down to business. Every grunt, every "Come on!" was from a professional athlete. One who was on the way to winning a major tournament. Her sex shouldn't have even been a topic.

  It's time women take the word cocky from a derogatory reference and turn it into a billboard for confidence, success, and strength. And Canada's own Bianca Andrescu did just that!

  Time to get back to that laundry. Maybe I'll turn off the tv too.


Friday, 30 August 2019

Language Nonsense

   I woke up very early this morning to the sound of rain pounding on my open bedroom window. Perhaps I should have waited to read the news of the day because now I have an overwhelming need to rant and it's not even 6am!

  An Ottawa couple has been awarded twenty-one thousand dollars because the seat belt clamp on the Air Canada flight they were on was only in english and the french writing on the emergency exit wasn't the same size as the english lettering. Official Language Violations is the official reason. And in 2016 alone they filed 26 complaints with the Commissioner of Official Languages.

  Ok here's where my blood pressure raises. Cross into Quebec. Look around. How much English do you see? Chances are none. Not a word. Every single provincial government sign is only in french. And if you are lucky enough to find a business or company who has a bi-lingual sign it will be in tiny lettering that even my bifocals would have a problem with. But that's the law and one they take very seriously.

  Already we struggle daily here in Ottawa with the unfairness of what language you speak. More money goes to french schools. Doctors who only want to care for french patients. Jobs not available unless you can speak french at a level that is not reciprocated in english. People not able to work across the river because they must be from Quebec to work in certain jobs yet the same rule doesn't apply on this side. The list goes on and on and on.

  I wonder how many english speakers file charges about language violations? And when they do what is the success rate? This particular couple, whose language rights are apparently trampled on almost daily, live in an english speaking province. Ten minutes down the road and they could have 100% of their life in their mother tongue. Yet they don't. I wonder why that is.

  Twenty some times in three years this couple feels their rights were "violated". Is that real or is this just a money grab? And how much is this costing us the taxpayers? Does Air Canada now have to change all their seat belts clasps and if they do how much will that cost us extra the next time you and I fly? Air travel is so cheap to begin with!

  We have two official languages. I accept that. But one is definitely more important than the other here in Ottawa. And certainly in the federal government workplace. When it is used as a means for financial gain, either real or perceived, that makes me very angry. Especially when it is the same people over and over again. 

  I wonder if these are the same folks who were insulted over 7Up not having a french equivalent? Probably.



Leave Them Kids Alone!

  We seem to forget that politicians are people. Human beings who have lives outsides of their very public jobs. They have family, friends, and children and they deal with problems and illnesses involving those same people. So why is it we feel it is okay to attack them in all aspects of their lives? What gives us that right?

  Tuesday PM Trudeau posted a picture of his children heading off to begin another school year on Twitter. Just like I, and all my friends, will next Tuesday when our kids go back. It was a cute photo and very non-political. So I was surprised that so many Canadians took it as an opportunity to criticize his job as Prime Minister. Well....maybe not that surprised.

  Parents are proud of their children. All of us. We take every chance we can get to show them off. And we certainly don't want people criticizing them or us in front of them. Justin Trudeau is no different. Yet some political trolls used this as a chance to comment negatively on his politics. And worse yet they used his kids in their hate. There is never a reason to use children as pawns. Never.

  Disagree with their policies. Try to convince others to your way of thinking. Don't vote for them. But be an adult and leave their young kids alone.




Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

 Remember that Sex & The City episode Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda? That phrase, from season 4 episode 11,  keeps jumping into my brain whene...