Friday, 29 July 2016
U.S. Election Coverage
Even during vacation we can't get away from the U.S. election. Donald Trump is everywhere. His insanity tour continues 24/7 on the news programs. And every day the craziness increases.
Poor Vladimir Putin. Trump probably has sent him a friend request on Facebook. When the leader of Russia thinks you are "bright and talented" well that is quite the endorsement! Not that the people of Russia aren't great, I'm sure like every country with questionable leaders, the majority are wonderful, kind folks.
Hilary has broken some ceilings again. Even if she doesn't win she has accomplished a significant amount for women in her country. I always find it funny that the self proclaimed "leaders of the free world" have taken so long to catch up with the rest of us. Canada had a female P.M. in 1993....23 years ago! Britain in 1979. India in 1969. Seriously you are far behind the times.
Canadians would never allow an election to take so long. The last one was eleven weeks and we all agreed it was waaaaaaay too long.
By the time November rolls around the entire world will be sick of hearing about it.
I certainly will.
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
Since we have been in Nova Scotia the race is on to catch a fish. Just one. Doesn't matter how long as it's large enough to keep. It could feed a family of five or a snack for one. It doesn't matter. The boys, John included, must catch a trout!
It has changed plans. Altered itineraries. Postponed meals. And been the major topic of conversation. What bait to use. Worms versus lures. What spot. For how long. It is all consuming.
For four long days my sons and husband have tried and tried and tried. With no success.
At ten o'clock this morning, while casually looking out the living room window at the lake, Riley sees it. A boat. Very close to shore. Three people casually casting their lines into the water. All three rush to the window to watch. Alex yells "They better not get one!". Then the unthinkable happens.
Right before their eyes, one of the fishermen hauls a trout out of the water. From 125 feet away, their eyes see the silver gleaming in the sunshine. Someone has done, in a few short minutes, what they haven't been able to do in four long days.
The mood in the room changes. There is a feeling of defeat. Alex goes outside and asks them what bait they are using. When he comes back inside there is a new feeling in the air. Determination has replaced the defeat. And with a new sense of purpose they head out to the dock to cast their lines once again.
Perhaps today is the day. Maybe not. Either way they will have stories to tell and memories have been made.
This is what family life is all about!
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Vacation Mode
Family vacation is under way! Already we are sleeping later, eating better and enjoying the sunshine. The kids are fighting less and doing different activities. We are all more relaxed and at peace.
Summer time always means a trip to the east coast of Canada for us. We visit some family and take in the scenery, all while breathing in the fresh ocean air. It's true what they say about life being slower here. I think the waves tell us to stop and see the beauty around us. And we do.
Of course a big draw is the food. Lobster, fresh seafood and of course the east coast delicacy...the donair. All foods that we either can't get at home or is too expensive to have often. Plus all the favorites from our childhood...John has already devoured a butterscotch pie...his absolute favorite.
The boys get spoiled by their grandparents. They eat more cookies than normal. They definitely stay up later. There is even talk of fireworks which would never happen at home. Alex has found a love of boating and Riley seems determined to catch a fish.
Already we have visited dear friends we wished we saw more of....thanks for the great night Janet & Dan. Saw cousins we never get to hang out with...Marie and Kim. And today I get to spend time with one of my favorite people on the planet...Catherine! All this in three days.
Life is good.
Thursday, 21 July 2016
Today would have been Robin Williams 65th birthday. His comedic genius was evident in almost everything he did....remember there were a few dramatic choices mixed among those comedies. His death, almost two years ago, still saddens me not only as a fan but because mental illness played a part in it.
As a family we know the effects of mental illness first hand. We've dealt with it for most of our adult lives. It's never easy and always a struggle for everyone involved. But we go on as best we can and we never stop talking. Never.
While we will never truly know why Robin died, we can use his birthday as a time to talk. To give a voice to what needs to be said. The things that somehow he wasn't able to speak about. To listen. Truly listen and to read between the lines. To try and understand.
And if you can't understand then find someone who can. Ask your doctor. Nurse practitioner. Clergy. Teacher. Mental health professional. Mom. Dad. Grandma. Someone. Anyone. And keep asking til you get an answer. Someone has the answer.
How I wish you were around to make the world laugh Robin Williams. We sure could use you right about now.
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
Some Good News
Day after day we hear tragedy after tragedy. Attacks at airports, clubs, trains. Bombings. Coups. Donald Trump running for president...and actually having a chance to win. It never ends.
Then in the midst of all that we hear about children missing and abducted. Parents leaving their kids in hot cars to go to Costco. Police being shot. Police shooting innocent people.
Just once. Just once I want to hear the news and it is filled with happiness. Stories about hope, kindness and love. Not intermixed between tragedies but as the main news items. Every story another reminder that there is good in the world. That as a people we haven't fallen too deeply into the abyss.
A young man running to save a woman attacked by a bear. Not concerned about his own safety but to help his fellow man in need. An older gentleman on vacation taking off his sandals to give to a homeless person without shoes. A group of young people, mostly African American, hugging police officers and trying to promote respect.
Those few stories I mentioned are true. They really did happen. And recently. But they are too few. I'm sure there is more but the news agents don't feel the need to share them with the world.
Share your story. Tell your tale. Whether you are the giver or the receiver. If you've heard it second hand or saw it from a far. Let the world know.
There is more good than bad.
Monday, 18 July 2016
It's A Miracle
A miracle has happened in my life. It happened on Sunday and my life has changed for the better ever since. There is more joy in my home. More peace. More serenity. It's as if an angel has come to stay. And that angel's name is Pokemon! be exact. My two boys NEVER, EVER get along for any length of time. Yet even now as I write this they are outside, in the fresh air and sunshine, chasing down little imaginary Pokemon critters. Together. Without fighting. Without arguing. Together.
Did I mention together? Today they have gone "hunting" three or four times. On their bikes. On foot. Hell I even stopped the car once or twice so they could catch some. It's a phenomenon! And I'm loving it.
Alex has always been a Pokemon fan. He's played the card games and watched the shows. Bought the video games and explained it to me a thousand times or more. I still don't get it but who cares. They do.
I've seen lots of people upset over this craze. How folks are losing their minds and trespassing on peoples property. But I'm okay with anything that makes my kids get along and get outside...without me forcing them!
Where are you Pikachu????
Friday, 15 July 2016
News That Caught My Eye
A few things caught my eye in the news today. Two in particular gave me reason to pause, think and then write.
First Mick Jagger is going to have his 8th child at the ripe old age of 72. His 29 year old girlfriend of two years is "up the duff" as the British say. A baby is always a happy event, well almost always. I can think of a few exceptions. Aside from the extreme age gap, which I couldn't care less about, I'm bothered by the fact that his long term girlfriend L'Wren Scott died just two years ago. Notice the math?
I know everyone grieves differently. I would never tell anyone how to grieve or for how long. But Ms. Scott died by her own hand. That is a different grieving process altogether. One that seems to take significantly longer than most. But not in this case? Are we to believe that he was devastated by her loss and jumped into the arms of another to help get over his grief? Maybe. Maybe not.
The second thing was about Playboy model Dani Mathers posting a picture of a naked woman showering in a locker room on her Snapchat with the caption "If I can't unsee this then you can't either." Then one of her laughing. Both have since been taken down and the account, I believe, is deleted.
Her "apology" included stating that since she was new to this form of social media she sent it to her story instead of to her friend. OMG. That is part of the worst apology EVER. The gym has taken internal action and have notified the police. Good for them.
When will women get it? When? We are our own worst enemy and this stupid woman is all the proof we will ever need. She is a very ugly person and the world has seen it first hand.
These two little stories, compared to the bigger, more devastating things going on in the news, teach us a few things. One that perhaps celebrities really aren't like you and I.....personally I don't know any man who would want eight kids let alone one in their 70's. Second that once you step outside your home you can't be sure you aren't being photographed/video taped and about to become the newest internet sensation....whether you are aware of it or not!
***I'm a huge Rolling Stones fan so please don't even go there***
***I do not like the word "stupid" and very rarely use it so if I do it means I'm serious***
Every Week
Every week I seem to sit here and write about another group of innocent people being killed by terrorists. Then a day or two later I write about how we need to calm down about blaming every person of Middle Eastern descent we meet. It's becoming a vicious circle I can't seem to break out of.
This morning I wake up to another mass killing. This time with a truck in Nice. As I write this the number dead is 84. Take a moment and think about that number. 84......doctors, parents, students, grandparents, tourists, teachers, garbage collectors, retirees, bartenders, children. Gone. Potentials never realized. Lives never lived. Dreams never fulfilled. Wasted.
It's impossible to imagine why. We can't understand it. I'm not sure anyone really does. I heard a reporter say that immigrants don't feel French French. They feel Syrian French. Angolan French. Moroccan French. But never just French. That the people who are born in the country aren't as welcoming as they should be. Maybe that's true but still it's hard to fathom that this would radicalize people enough to kill innocent people en masse. Or leave and join ISIS.
So again today I feel the loss of folks I don't know. And hope that in a few days I'm not sitting here writing about a new round of "them" against "us".
We need to break this cycle.
Thursday, 14 July 2016
Good Health
The older I get, the more I realize how I can't take good health for granted. I spent most of today lying in bed feeling awful. Not sure why. Nothing I could pinpoint. Just not feeling "right". It's not something I'm familiar with. Bad sinuses...yes. Overall
I know things go downhill as we age. Nothing works as well or heals as well with each passing year. But I'm not quite ready to give in to aches and pains. And not on a daily basis. While I might not have the final say on that, I can and will, do some things to keep them at bay.
Most people I know have had some obstacles to over come with their health. Some were huge and life threatening but most were smaller, more manageable, ailments. Knock on wood I've had nothing that has been awful except for a broken bone and one surgery on said broken bone. That's it. I've been lucky.
But as the years go by I know I won't be as lucky so I need to take some preventative action now. They are all little steps but ones that make a big difference. Walk more. Sit less. Eat better. Manage stress better. Laugh more. Yes I do believe that laughter can help immensely.
This advice applies to all of us. No matter how old or what health we may be in at the moment. Let's all do a little better. But not today. I'm going back to bed. I still feel blah.
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
The Tenors Mistake
The Canadian Tenors sang at the MLB All-Star game last night in San Diego. These are four very talented men from British Columbia who could do our national anthem justice. But they didn't.
During his solo, Remigio Pereira decided to change the words. Instead of " With glowing hearts we see thee rise. The true north strong and free." he went with " We're all brothers and sisters. All lives matter to the great." What the hell??
This isn't Mony Mony by Billy Idol. This is the national anthem of a country! MY country. To prove a point. A point that he obviously had no clue about.
Mr. Pereira: thought you were helping a cause. You in fact did the opposite. The Black Lives Matter movement is to highlight the disproportionate amount of blacks who are killed in general and by the police. It is not about white people feeling left out and uncomfortable. Or all of us standing together in unity because all lives matter. could you possibly think that changing the national anthem of your country would help that cause? Didn't it occur to you that perhaps the people of Canada might be divided by your lack of respect? Or that you would come off looking like an insensitive, self-serving jerk?
Celebrities need to think before they act. They have a huge audience and more influence than they realize.
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Two Lanes
After spending a few days with John in the country, the kids and I are back home. It was only a two hour drive but when 75% of the drive is on two lane highway it can seem a looooonnnnng drive.
At first it wasn't bad. We were the only car it seemed. Then a few four way stops and we could see a few others. By the time we hit the highway there was a line. Then it got longer and longer. With no passing zones insight.
Of course the construction doesn't help. I'm all for fixing the roads but why do they need to shut down 3 kms of road to fix 10 meters of pavement??? I don't understand but at least the workers are safe.
By the time we hit divided highway the road was very congested. It's expensive I know but all main roads should be four lanes. I'm sure it would mean less accidents. It is very frustrating to be behind someone who is doing 20 kms under the speed limit. Of course as soon as they see the passing lane they could win an Indy race!
Even on that short drive, I saw some people take risks that four lanes would have avoided. And on a Tuesday morning not a busy long weekend.
Luckily I'm never in that much of a hurry.
No Service No Tip
After years in the service industry I know a thing or two about bad service. Sometimes I was even the one giving it! We all have bad days where we are "off" and the reality is the customer pays the price. But last night we got no service and attitude.
Let me start by saying I HATE how a lot of franchise restaurants have a "look". It doesn't matter whether the server is any good as long as they fit in the mold. Our server fit the profile but had not the slightest clue what she was doing. That was evident in not just our service, but the tables around us.
Now that I think about it that last statement isn't true. The table of three men beside us got very good service. The families and tables of women...not so much. Maybe she was smarter than I gave her credit for. Out of four tables though I would say she got a good tip from one, none from two and maybe a small tip from the other. Not good percentages.
John tells me often that I expect more when dining out. That's probably true but I'm not unrealistic. A smile or at least not a snarl. Food arriving all at the same biggest pet peeve of all and Nova Scotia taverns are notorious for it. But last night it was him who commented first. And since he paid the bill and didn't tip that says it all. He always tips.
Good service means you go home with more cash. Period. You can't live on what a server is paid. And no matter what you look like or what mold you fit into, you need to do what you are paid to do. Serve the customers.
That girl must pray for a restaurant full of single men.
***I'm not saying all men will tip based on looks but.....***
Monday, 11 July 2016
Rural Times
We are spending a few days with John in rural Ontario. I say rural but there are 16,000 people here. I'm such a city girl this feels very rural.
The day started off very well with a beautiful walk on the beach. It's a lake so the water is clean, clear and cold. Well cold for the first few minutes anyway. Little fish everywhere. The sun was shining and there was a nice cool breeze. It doesn't get much better than that!
Back to the hotel for lunch and a swim in the pool. The water is colder than the lake but you get used to it. No one else is around so we have the entire pool to ourselves. The boys practice jumping in and seeing who can make the bigger splash. Alex wins easily since he has a foot and fifty pounds on Riley.
After lunch we hit the huge park across the street from our hotel. It has a splash pad, play structure, bike park and a mini putt! A child's dream. There is plenty of shade and the breeze from this morning was still blowing. It was nice to sit and watch the boys get some fresh air and Riley to make new friends.
John's work day is almost over. He will want to relax and chill tonight. Maybe a swim. The boys and I will plan another great day tomorrow before we head home. Can't leave the fish alone for too long.
Friday, 8 July 2016
#Black Lives Matter
I just read the most interesting article about Black Lives Matter and why people need to stop saying "All lives matter". In light of the events over the past few days I can't think of a better time to pass on the info I read.
First off I am not a black man living in the U.S.. There is no possible way I can know the nervousness they live with. When they are driving to work. Going to get milk at the corner store. Taking a walk on a warm summers evening. Things that we, translation...white people... don't normally even think twice about.
Secondly let me say I am a huge supporter of the police. We owe so much to these men and women who risk their lives every single day to keep us safe. But there are good cops who are honest, fair and decent. And some, a very small minority, who are dishonest, violent and racist. Just like there are bad black men, there are bad cops. This is real life not what we idealize as real life.
So far in 2016, based on a tally by the Washington Post, the police have killed at least 136 black people. Let that number sink in. A black man between the ages of 15 -34 is nine times more likely to be killed by police than any other age or race group. Why is that? Does it have to be race related? Of course it doesn't.....but what other reason could it possibly be? Nine times is a huge margin.
When we respond to the slogan Black Lives Matter with "All lives matter" we miss the point. No other group of people are victimized by the police as often, or most importantly, as fatally, as young black men. That's why the words are necessary. Reread the last paragraph if you don't believe it.
Yes we all agree all lives matter. Of course we do. That's not the issue. We need to showcase how often it seems that black lives don't. Plain and simple. Especially to the bad police I talked about before. Let me reiterate the BAD police.
Please think twice before you change the slogan. There really is a valid reason for it.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Small Town Pleasures
All my adult life I have lived in a city. I enjoy the hustle and bustle of daily life. The ability to do most things at any hour of the day or night is very nice. In fact it's a dream of mine to live right downtown. With kids it's not very realistic but it's on our must do list.
For the next few days though we are hanging out in a small town. And I have to admit there are some advantages I wasn't really aware of. Or if I was, I forgot about. We did live here for six months about eight years ago. Not long enough to have an opinion on the place but long enough to have missed my amenities.
First off the price of houses is beyond compare. New homes at prices one income could afford. Older homes that are almost cheap. Of course there aren't as many job opportunities but even two lower income earners could own a beautiful home.
We went for dinner...a chinese buffet. Now the last time we went to this type of restaurant it was for lunch and the cost was just under $90. No drinks. Alcoholic or otherwise. Very, very pricey. Tonight....$39 taxes in! And the food was great! Not the best I've ever had but better than my last far.
And the traffic. There is none! Even the traffic lights are synced. You can go blocks without stopping. It's great! We went from one end of town to the other in under 15 minutes. Sometimes at home I can't turn left through several green lights. It's refreshing.
While I may enjoy the peace and quiet I'm aware that if I want a pizza it better be before eleven and there isn't a shawarma place to be found. There are only two groceries and no specialty stores. FYI...they are already closed. I'm pretty sure there isn't Uber here either.
I guess that means I won't be moving any time soon. But it sure is nice to visit.
Tuesday, 5 July 2016
"One Nation"
Friday was Canada's 149th birthday!!!! What a celebration it was. Part of the festivities was a speech by PM Trudeau talking about how great we are as a people, our freedoms, our liberties and our ability to welcome others. A wonderful speech full of pride, hope and our own wonderfulness. Something that we, as a nation, could say...."yup that's us!" But not all of us.
Martine Ouellet, who wants to be the leader of the Parti Quebecois, says the speech "insulted" the people of Quebec. What could possibly have been so offensive as to offend nearly 5 million people who live in the province? Here is the statement and I quote...." Today, we celebrate the day, exactly 149 years ago, when the people of this great land came together, and forged one nation, one country - Canada."
Did I miss something? The offensive part obviously. Apparently the remark about "one nation" is wrong because Quebec is a "nation within Canada". Well perhaps Miss Ouellet he wasn't talking about your province. Maybe his entire speech was directed at the rest of the country. You know...the provinces and people who are proud to be Canadian. Perhaps he was directing it at those folks who, when asked where they are from, proudly say Canada....not Quebec.
Historically the PQ is referred to as a sovereignist provincial party which seeks national sovereignty from Canada. Translation...not be part of Canada but with use of everything Canadian and the protection of Canada. The rest of the country calls them separatists and makes little or no distinction between them and the Bloc. Although they are separate entities.
While I try very hard to be a reasonable person, if you know me well you can stop laughing now, this makes me very unreasonable. How dare you take our national holiday and try to turn it into hate. How dare you try to minimize the rest of the country on our day. How dare you speak for the people of Quebec when you are not even an elected official. Who do you think you are?
Maybe this woman doesn't realize that if she becomes the leader of the PQ and does actually get elected, that it is the government of Canada that in part pays her salary. That the pension she will collect is funded by the people of Canada. That the healthcare, education and community services she enjoys every day are paid for in part by good tax paying Canadians.
I have traveled to many different countries. My husband has been everywhere..and I do mean everywhere. And there is no better country in the world. Yes we have our problems but no other country comes close to us. But no other country in the world would tolerate, not one but two, political parties, who's main goal is to separate the country. None.
You should be thankful you live in my nation Miss Ouelett. I'm pretty sure the "nation of Quebec" will not let a political party thrive that has separation as it's goal.
Saturday, 2 July 2016
Cheque Please
Well it's decided. John and I are going back into the rental business. I'm not sure why but we are ready to dip our toes back into the real estate game. Must be that damn Scott McGillivary show on HGTV.
It's been ten years since we sold the last two houses. It was a challenge being so far away. We didn't have the best tenants at times and the rental company was a nightmare. But we learned a lot and made some money so I guess you could call it a success. Even if we didn't think that at the time.
This time we will be close by. And fingers crossed we can find something brand new with no monthly fees. No work means less headaches. Well that's what it is supposed to mean. We will see about that.
John has wanted to do this again for a few years but I was hesitating. It is me who does all the "work" involved and I really didn't enjoy chasing down cash or going to court to have people removed. No amount of vetting guarantees a cash-able rent cheque.
Wish us luck. The search begins today.
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