Friday 15 July 2016

Every Week

  Every week I seem to sit here and write about another group of innocent people being killed by terrorists. Then a day or two later I write about how we need to calm down about blaming every person of Middle Eastern descent we meet. It's becoming a vicious circle I can't seem to break out of.

  This morning I wake up to another mass killing. This time with a truck in Nice. As I write this the number dead is 84. Take a moment and think about that number. 84......doctors, parents, students, grandparents, tourists, teachers, garbage collectors, retirees, bartenders, children. Gone. Potentials never realized. Lives never lived. Dreams never fulfilled. Wasted.

  It's impossible to imagine why. We can't understand it. I'm not sure anyone really does. I heard a reporter say that immigrants don't feel French French. They feel Syrian French. Angolan French. Moroccan French. But never just French. That the people who are born in the country aren't as welcoming as they should be. Maybe that's true but still it's hard to fathom that this would radicalize people enough to kill innocent people en masse. Or leave and join ISIS. 

  So again today I feel the loss of folks I don't know. And hope that in a few days I'm not sitting here writing about a new round of "them" against "us".

  We need to break this cycle.


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