Friday 8 July 2016

#Black Lives Matter

   I just read the most interesting article about Black Lives Matter and why people need to stop saying "All lives matter". In light of the events over the past few days I can't think of a better time to pass on the info I read.

  First off I am not a black man living in the U.S.. There is no possible way I can know the nervousness they live with. When they are driving to work. Going to get milk at the corner store. Taking a walk on a warm summers evening. Things that we, translation...white people... don't normally even think twice about.

  Secondly let me say I am a huge supporter of the police. We owe so much to these men and women who risk their lives every single day to keep us safe. But there are good cops who are honest, fair and decent. And some, a very small minority, who are dishonest, violent and racist. Just like there are bad black men, there are bad cops. This is real life not what we idealize as real life.

  So far in 2016, based on a tally by the Washington Post, the police have killed at least 136 black people. Let that number sink in. A black man between the ages of 15 -34 is nine times more likely to be killed by police than any other age or race group. Why is that? Does it have to be race related? Of course it doesn't.....but what other reason could it possibly be? Nine times is a huge margin.

  When we respond to the slogan Black Lives Matter with "All lives matter" we miss the point. No other group of people are victimized by the police as often, or most importantly, as fatally, as young black men. That's why the words are necessary. Reread the last paragraph if you don't believe it.

  Yes we all agree all lives matter. Of course we do. That's not the issue. We need to showcase how often it seems that black lives don't. Plain and simple. Especially to the bad police I talked about before. Let me reiterate the BAD police.

  Please think twice before you change the slogan. There really is a valid reason for it.



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