Thursday 21 July 2016


  Today would have been  Robin Williams 65th birthday. His comedic genius was evident in almost everything he did....remember there were a few dramatic choices mixed among those comedies. His death, almost two years ago, still saddens me not only as a fan but because mental illness played a part in it.

  As a family we know the effects of mental illness first hand. We've dealt with it for most of our adult lives. It's never easy and always a struggle for everyone involved. But we go on as best we can and we never stop talking. Never.

  While we will never truly know why Robin died, we can use his birthday as a time to talk. To give a voice to what needs to be said. The things that somehow he wasn't able to speak about. To listen. Truly listen and to read between the lines. To try and understand.

  And if you can't understand then find someone who can. Ask your doctor. Nurse practitioner. Clergy. Teacher. Mental health professional. Mom. Dad. Grandma. Someone. Anyone. And keep asking til you get an answer. Someone has the answer.

  How I wish you were around to make the world laugh Robin Williams. We sure could use you right about now.




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