Thursday 14 July 2016

Good Health

  The older I get, the more I realize how I can't take good health for granted. I spent most of today lying in bed feeling awful. Not sure why. Nothing I could pinpoint. Just not feeling "right". It's not something I'm familiar with. Bad sinuses...yes. Overall

  I know things go downhill as we age. Nothing works as well or heals as well with each passing year. But I'm not quite ready to give in to aches and pains. And not on a daily basis. While I might not have the final say on that, I can and will, do some things to keep them at bay.

  Most people I know have had some obstacles to over come with their health. Some were huge and life threatening but most were smaller, more manageable, ailments. Knock on wood I've had nothing that has been awful except for a broken bone and one surgery on said broken bone. That's it. I've been lucky.

  But as the years go by I know I won't be as lucky so I need to take some preventative action now. They are all little steps but ones that make a big difference. Walk more. Sit less. Eat better. Manage stress better. Laugh more. Yes I do believe that laughter can help immensely.

  This advice applies to all of us. No matter how old or what health we may be in at the moment. Let's all do a little better. But not today. I'm going back to bed. I still feel blah.


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