Monday 18 July 2016

It's A Miracle

  A miracle has happened in my life. It happened on Sunday and my life has changed for the better ever since. There is more joy in my home. More peace. More serenity. It's as if an angel has come to stay. And that angel's name is Pokemon! be exact. My two boys NEVER, EVER get along for any length of time. Yet even now as I write this they are outside, in the fresh air and sunshine, chasing down little imaginary Pokemon critters. Together. Without fighting. Without arguing. Together.

  Did I mention together? Today they have gone "hunting" three or four times. On their bikes. On foot. Hell I even stopped the car once or twice so they could catch some. It's a phenomenon! And I'm loving it.

  Alex has always been a Pokemon fan. He's played the card games and watched the shows. Bought the video games and explained it to me a thousand times or more. I still don't get it but who cares. They do.

  I've seen lots of people upset over this craze. How folks are losing their minds and trespassing on peoples property. But I'm okay with anything that makes my kids get along and get outside...without me forcing them!

  Where are you Pikachu????


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