Monday 11 July 2016

Rural Times

  We are spending a few days with John in rural Ontario. I say rural but there are 16,000 people here. I'm such a city girl this feels very rural.

  The day started off very well with a beautiful walk on the beach. It's a lake so the water is clean, clear and cold. Well cold for the first few minutes anyway. Little fish everywhere. The sun was shining and there was a nice cool breeze. It doesn't get much better than that!

  Back to the hotel for lunch and a swim in the pool. The water is colder than the lake but you get used to it. No one else is around so we have the entire pool to ourselves. The boys practice jumping in and seeing who can make the bigger splash. Alex wins easily since he has a foot and fifty pounds on Riley.

  After lunch we hit the huge park across the street from our hotel. It  has a splash pad, play structure, bike park and a mini putt! A child's dream. There is plenty of shade and the breeze from this morning was still blowing. It was nice to sit and watch the boys get some fresh air and Riley to make new friends.

  John's work day is almost over. He will want to relax and chill tonight. Maybe a swim. The boys and I will plan another great day tomorrow before we head home. Can't leave the fish alone for too long.


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