Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Shame...On All of Us
To those of you making the attack on a mosque in Quebec City part of a political discussion....shame on you.
To those of you taking people's pain and suffering at the lose of loved ones and using it as a way to bash the Prime Minister....shame on you.
To those of you attempting to make this an immigration issue and how we are too open to refugees.....shame on you.
To those of you spewing hatred on the internet trying to divide people and cause bigger issues than we already face....shame on you.
To those of you taking tragedy and using it to push forward your own hate agenda....shame on you.
Shame on all of us who let you do it.
Shame on us for not standing beside our Muslim neighbors before this tragedy.
Shame on us for giving you an on-going platform on Facebook and Twitter.
Shame on us for needing six deaths to wake us up and really see our world.
We are all human beings.
We all live on this planet together.
We all need to try and see other points of view.
We all need to figure out a a way to live peacefully together.
And we need to do it sooner rather than later.
Monday, 30 January 2017
Unity & Diversity
I went to bed Saturday night sad. Once again Trump did something stupid, and I never use that word lightly, that had a rippling effect on the entire world. The arrogance of this man is rivaled only by his ignorance. Have no doubt that his messages of hate will unleash more hate. In fact they might have already.
Last night about 60 Muslim men were praying at a Mosque in Quebec City when someone walked in and shot and killed 6 and injured another twelve. Six men. Saying their prayers. Hurting no one. Practicing their religion in their place of worship. Six men who were fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, friends.
I believe, and again only my opinion, that the evil in the world thinks it's okay to unleash their hate. The extremists of the world no longer feel they have to hold their hatred and venom in. That they have been granted implicit permission to give in to their most heinous desires.
On a smaller scale, I think that racists and bigots feel the same thing. That now the climate is more accepting of their bias and bigotry. And why wouldn't they? The self proclaimed "leader of the free world" has unleashed his venom, verbally, on anyone and everyone who disagrees with him. He does so with an anger and disregard that, to this moment in time, has had no negative consequences. Not a one. None.
Do I blame Trump for this? Absolutely not. The person who shot the gun is to blame. But something in the world has changed. Is he a part of that? Absolutely.
The world needs to open their hearts and minds now more than ever. We need government leaders who speak about unity and diversity not walls and bans. We need religious leaders to stand together and preach acceptance and love. We need to talk to our children and explain that we are all equal and to hate no one based on religion, skin color, economics or politics. We need to lead by example.
I live in the greatest country in the world. We will not be dragged into hatred by terrorists. We will not change who we are or how we live because a few disillusioned people hate unconditionally. And we will not lose faith in ourselves or the people of the world because that's not who we are.
We are Canadians. We will grieve together. This will make us stronger.
Friday, 27 January 2017
#Civility Is Dead
My friend Lew Bayer is a leading civility expert. Several times in previous blogs I've written how she should be the most over-worked person in the world. Just this afternoon I have found more clients for her. I wonder if she will give me a finders fee?
One simple tweet on my part opened my eyes to a fire storm of hate. Some, but not all, directed at me. I am fully aware that once you put your thoughts out there on social media you are fair game to have your views and opinions critiqued. And I'm able to read them with an open mind and heart. However....I also like to get a little background on the person who is hating on me. That's where the storm comes into play.
Ever person who bashed my ideas showed a history of nasty, belligerent, rude and down right vulgar tweets. They commented on people's intelligence. Their physical appearance. Their families. Even their glasses! What ever is easiest to attack they do. It's something we tell our children not to do. And these are adults.
How can grown people not be able to have a civilized conversation with someone who disagrees with them? And if you can't, shouldn't you have the self awareness to know you shouldn't bring up the topic?
Check out Lew's website www.civilityexperts.com to get a little more civility in your life. I'll pass it on to my new "friends"!
Thursday, 26 January 2017
A Tweeting Fool
I tell my children almost daily that words have consequences. They can hurt people. And most importantly once they are said you can't take them back. Additionally I tell them to think before they speak. Not to bully people. Be respectful and kind. Donald Trump's mom obviously didn't utter those same words!
He is a bully. A reactionary bully. He didn't like the Mexican President saying they won't pay for a wall. So he tweeted.....yes tweeted....that he should cancel next weeks visit if they weren't going to pay for the wall! OMG that is something a child or a bully would say. And this is from the leader of 350+ million people!
The entire world looks at this guy and laughs. Yes laughs. The entire world. For those of you reading this in the U.S. I'm sorry but it's true. Even worse though is that when we stop laughing at the ridiculous things he talks about....his popularity, rating numbers, negotiating abilities, the size of his hands.....we are nervous.
People and governments all over the world are nervous about what he will say or do next. No one, including the Republican party, has any control over this tyrant. He says things without any idea of the consequences. Or care about them. Influencing the stock market, other government reactions to his out-of-control statements....all in a days tweets for this guy. Unfortunately the choice the people of the United States made is coming back to bite all of us in the ass.
I wonder if my tetanus shots are up-to-date....
Some Alternative Facts
"Fake news" has become part of our vocabulary in the past year. Now we can add "alternative facts" to the urban dictionary of 2017. The good folks at Webster's say a fact is "a piece of information presented as having objective reality". Not quite the same thing Mrs. Conway and Mr. Spicer. Oh and by the way news reporters....a falsehood IS a lie. Why can't you say the word?
Where I'm from in Nova Scotia fake news and alternate facts have been around forever. We called it "talking out your ass". Translation.....knowing what you were saying was wrong but saying it often enough, and forcefully enough, to make others believe you. Or at least a few people. Who in turn would do the same thing to others. Voila....alternate facts.
Now more than ever folks need to do their research. Question facts you hear on tv or read in the newspaper. Paying extra attention to the information floating around the internet. Just because it's out there doesn't mean it's the truth. Check more than one source. Be vigilant in what you take as fact.
Already my kids are using the terms as a way to change reality. A test score that says B is an alternate fact of the actual A- the teacher meant to write. Children are much smarter, and sneakier, than we will ever know.
FYI.....I'm 5'10, rich and 25! What? A girl can have her own alternate facts can't she?
Monday, 23 January 2017
Perspective Yet Again
This morning I was ready to start a rant about Kelly Ann Conway and how she is the most irritating person on the planet at the moment. I barely got two sentences down when the phone rang informing me one of the kids had forgotten something and could I possibly drop it off.
One of the perks, or curses, of being a stay-at-home parent is that you can be there when your child needs something. But today it's cold and I was not showered and still in my pajamas. The last thing I wanted to do was go to school but that's exactly what I did.
When I arrived there was a man and woman calmly trying to convince their son to come with them. He was lying on the floor inconsolable. Obviously the school had called them to come. It was an awful situation so early in the day.
The parents looked tired. And sad. As if the weight of the world was on their shoulders. I could tell that this wasn't a one-off. This was their reality probably on a near daily basis. I so hope I am jumping to conclusions.
I handed off the forgotten shoes and headed discreetly out the door and back to my car. When I closed the door, I looked quickly in the mirror and thought I am the most ridiculous person at this moment. Complaining because my child can't remember his shoes. As if it was the worst thing ever.
My child is healthy. He has no behavioral issues. The school never calls me because he is out of control. Yes he is forgetful, lippy and fights constantly with us and his brother. Those are all normal behaviors for a child his age. My reality is very different, and much easier, than those parents.
I constantly tell myself about perspective. We all need it. And I got a huge dose of it this morning!
Friday, 20 January 2017
Political Attacks
Politics is ugly. And those who follow it closely can be even uglier. Even I'm guilty of it myself sometimes....especially when it comes to you-know-who. But I edit myself and try very hard not to be vulgar and I always leave the families out of it. I've noticed this past week that some of my own friends are prone to attacking both the political families and the politicians physical attributes.
Does anyone really think Justin Trudeau asks people for selfies? Of course not. We all take them. All the time. With anyone we meet. Why is it wrong when he does it? Be upset that he is always photogenic. I know I am. But we would say he was rude if he said no to everyone who asked him for a picture. In this instance he can't win.
Another common thing this week has been about our PM not being loyal to Canada. That his loyalties are to other countries first. Hmmmm I didn't see The National for a few weeks while on vacation so maybe I missed something. No I'm sure I would have read something about that on the internet.
Kathleen Wynn's looks are constantly compared to animals. She is the butt of so many jokes that aren't funny and just plain mean. Also she is attacked for being gay. Yes she has made some bad choices for the province. Really bad choices in fact but I'm sure they weren't intentional. I don't believe she went out of her way to make bad deals for the province. Sadly many others don't agree with me.
I'd bet money that 99.9% of all politicians get into the political world with the best of intentions. They truly believe they can make a difference that will better the lives of others. And while the reality is most can't, there is no malice on their part. No one is out to get John Q Citizen and make their lives miserable.
While I believe we need to attack politicians policies and voting records, leave their physical attributes out of it. And be respectful of their families.
Remember....glass houses and stones.
Wednesday, 18 January 2017
The Trump Effect
I have heard many times the phrase "The Khardasian Effect". Usually it refers to someone who has no talent but wants to be a celebrity and spends their life in search of it. It isn't meant as a compliment. Well Canada, hold onto your hats for the "Trump Effect" in the vein of Kevin O'Leary.
Like our southern cousins, we now have someone who is in business, but also has a reality show, that wants to run the country. Mr. O'Leary announced today, on Twitter no less, that he is running for the Conservative Party leadership. It's a last minute entry, and coincidentally, the day after the french language debate.
In case you aren't sure exactly who he is Google Dragon's Den. He is the loud, rude, mean guy who will take your dreams and throw them back in your face. Makes for good television I guess. I don't think he can fake being an arrogant, egotist as well as he does. Maybe that's who he really is.
Does Trump give him confidence he will be successful? Did he look at the Celebrity Apprentice host and go "Hey I can do that too!"? They both have that arrogant way of talking about things as if only their opinion matters. Perhaps he feels the time is right to ride on the coat-tails of Trump.
Whatever his reason, he is in. But I hope he remembers one thing before he invests too much into his campaign. Canada is not the United States. We hold our politicians accountable for their actions. Both in government and out. On a dime, a traditionally Conservative riding will flip if the people believe they aren't being represented well. Ask the Bloc MP's who were ousted by unknown NDP candidates a few years ago. Or Stephen Harper just last year.
Canadian voters believe in respect for Veterans, whether they were taken prisoner or not. We expect our leaders to be respectful of women, minorities and immigrants. Our press ask hard questions and voters demand that politicians answer them. We show up at Town Halls and send emails and snail mails. And we vote. Our young people. Our old people. Our people of color. We vote.
Don't expect to get treated like Trump did Mr. O'Leary. You are in Canada now.
Hmmmm.....I wonder if he has small fingers too?
Tuesday, 17 January 2017
What Does It Take?
It seems like Donald Trump can't keep his little fingers off the keyboard to defend himself on Twitter. But as the world saw during the election, nothing is the "final straw" for the people of the United States.
Looking back on the past year.....who else does he have to insult? So far the list includes women, Mexicans, Muslims, war heroes, other politicians, Europeans, African Americans, Hispanics, the CIA, the FBI, President Obama, Alec Baldwin, CNN, Meryl Streep and the latest Senator and Civil Rights pioneer John Lewis. Did he miss anybody?
His list of people or groups he is okay with is a bit shorter. Trump adores Putin. He hasn't really denounced the support of the KKK or any neo-nazi groups. Interesting.
Personally I thought the attack on John McCain would have had larger repercussions. I was wrong. Or the tapes with Billy Bush. Again wrong. Attacking the Khan family and comparing their sons sacrifice to his own success. Nope wrong again. And now John Lewis. Trump is made of pure teflon apparently.
So now the big question is why? He's not a George Clooney type who is very charming. Or so beautiful, like Idris Elba, that we are mesmerized by his looks and hear nothing he says. Hell he's not even funny to distract us from his words. Why does nothing stick?
I can't explain it. Trump has bashed everyone. Absolutely everyone. He speaks without knowledge. He attacks with a venom of a school yard bully. He criticizes anyone who disagrees with him. He rewrites the rules with no concern as to whom it might impact negatively. He is selfish, egotistical, rude and confrontational. Who would want him to be their leader?
Hold onto your hats folks. The next four years, if he makes it that long, will be nothing if not eventful. The prospect of him running a country like a reality show should give him the ratings he apparently craves.
Hopefully the world won't pay too high a price for his thin skin.
Saturday, 14 January 2017
2016....Year in Review
Last year I had a highlight reel of 2015 and all the highs and lows of my year. Since we were off the grid this time around I thought I'd do it now.
Luckily our family only had to say good bye to one member this year. She was a great lady, a school teacher, who lived her life on her terms. The world, however, lost many great artists....Alan Rickman, David Bowie, George Michael, William Christopher to name just a few. Great talents taken from us too soon.
During the summer we got to spend some time in Nova Scotia with our extended family. While we didn't see everyone we did get to hang out with Sheila and Jeff, Max, Laura and the entire Warner clan. An over-night with the McLeod's was a highlight. Except for Riley and the electric fence. Thanks again for the nightmares Dan. Next year we should arrange to get everyone together under one roof.
Another year of house reno's. Will it never end?? We decided on a pool. Then we changed our mind. Then we changed it again. Who knows what this summer will bring! Fingers crossed no more water in the basement in this new year.
Alex and I lived through his 8 book reports and he successfully passed grade 7. Riley moved into grade 4 and went back to his old school. The teachers are great but boy there are some changes and not all are for the better. But he loves it and we love his teacher so it's all good.
Alex learned to ski and grew about a foot. He can wear John's shoes now...but they are tight! If he ever stops growing he will be seven feet tall with a size 20 shoe. He has finished with Scouts but still plays piano.
Riley started hockey and took over every weekend. He loves it, which I didn't think would be the case. John loves it too. His skating is so much better than when he started. Riley's not John's. Between piano and theater he was one busy boy but he loves them all and we've found a way to make everything work. Sort of.
Me well I'm just going along day by day. Enjoying my life, family and friends. I've tried to read more...no matter what my book/wine club may tell you. John and I are getting to spend more time together without the children. I think we even saw a movie. At night!
It doesn't look like a very exciting year as I read back. But we had lots of laughter, smiles and fun. That makes for a great year in my book!
Almost forgot....Donna and Tony got engaged!
Wednesday, 11 January 2017
Size Matters
While on vacation it was my birthday. I won't bore you with my age. However I did spoil myself with a new MK purse. I forced myself not to buy black or tan. It's blue. A beautiful light shade of blue. And it is beautiful!
However....I forgot the golden rule of purses when you have children. Don't buy anything too big because your children will fill it whether it's a clutch or a backpack. This one has no zipper, just a clasp. Big mistake.
I have owned this purse for less than two weeks. Already I have carried three wallets other than my own. Three cell phones. A book. A Christmas ornament. My mom's birthday gift. Two hats. Sun screen. Two bottles of water. And three apples. Oh and I should add that all of the above was at the same time!
You know it's well made since the handles are still sewn in and the form is still intact. Yesterday when I left the house it held my cell phone and wallet. That's it. It's the rest of my family that needs a carry-all. And yet it's only my shoulder that hurts after a day of sight seeing.
I'd say I would take it back but that's a lie. Or I could give it away. Another lie. Instead I'll rub some A535 on my sore muscles and carry my latest love proudly on my arm.
Honestly you would understand if you saw it.
Disney Cruiseline
If I had to pick just one thing that is my favorite part of a Disney Cruise I'm not sure I could do it. But I will say the fact that four people with different interests can all have their own idea of a fun time is high on my list.
Alex loves movies and swimming. He would spend all his time in the pool. Disney shows movies on the massive "funnel screen" above the pool so it's win/win for him. The fact that not more than twenty feet away is unlimited drinks, pizza, burgers and ice cream makes this even sweeter! He is having the perfect vacation.
Riley is a social butterfly who loves to be active. The Oceaneers Club and Lab are perfect for him. There is always something happening and lots of kids to chat and play with. Movies are playing, Just Dance is on some where. He's flying the Millennium Falcon. The child never wants to come out!
John is so happy not to be at work that sitting around on a deck chair is a highlight not to mention the sports bars. Between late night movies and unlimited muesli for breakfast he couldn't be more relaxed.
I don't have to cook, clean or do laundry, argue about homework, make lunches, defrost the car, shovel the front steps, go grocery shopping or one of the other million things I must take care of over the course of a week. Instead a nice room steward makes my bed and gives me clean towels. Another brings me fresh coffee and fruit and serves it to me on the balcony as I look out at the clear blue sea. Someone makes me a drink and serves me dinner. Then when I'm ready to call it a day the first nice steward comes back and turns down the bed and leaves me a chocolate. How could I possibly not be happy and relaxed???
They come at a price though. Disney is more pricey than other cruise lines. And they do not have an all-inclusive drink plan. But it's not a party boat. It is meant for people with kids. Seniors. Families. Anyone who wants a fantastic vacation with excellent food, service, entertainment and cleanliness. This is worth the extra cost.
I recommend you save your vacation dollars and splurge on even a 3 or 4 day cruise. You will not regret it.
And get a great seat for the fireworks!
Reality has set in. We are not on vacation anymore. No one is cooking our meals or cleaning our rooms. That now falls back to me. The kids are running for the bus in the morning and complaining about homework at night. John's alarm is going off at 5am and I'm back to making lunches that are hopefully both nutritious and interesting. Reality sucks!
I know it can't last forever but boy it would be nice. The laundry alone seems over-whelming. Happily since it's only warm weather clothes I'm in no rush. And the suitcases are everywhere with things strewn across the floor after children went looking for a Christmas present they forgot about. But I'm keeping in mind the warmth and sunshine we got to enjoy. Or trying to.
On the long drive home we discussed finances and the fact that Alex will be getting braces in the next few months. At an estimated cost of six grand, yes six, our travelling days are over for the next few years. But a beautiful, healthy smile is worth that and more. A sacrifice we are more than willing to make. So what happened when we actually arrived home made me shake my head even more than I normally would have.
John spent a few minutes getting the hardened snow off the front steps. Remember it was a balmy -34 when we arrived home. After a quick supper I headed upstairs to get the kids settled for the early morning to come. John stayed up for a little while. What was he doing down there while the rest of us were sleeping?
He was looking for March break vacations that's what! After all the talk about money or rather the lack there of, he was checking out deals for the next vacation. I found this very funny. Now I could easily see myself doing that but not him. It's a very attractive new quality I must add.
After two days of resting I am tackling the unpleasantness of travel. Suitcases will go away. Laundry will be done. And I will try and find a place for the things we've bought. All the while remembering the salt air and relaxation that a Disney cruise allows.
And maybe, just maybe, planning the next one! In my mind only.....maybe.
Monday, 9 January 2017
Well we made it! In one piece. We hit a North Carolina snow storm....no offence NC but your idea of winter weather and mine is totally different. They don't have the equipment to clear the roads properly and no one has winter tires so while we had few problems, many were not so lucky.
One thing John noticed, and complained very loudly about, was the fact that no one had their lights on. In poor visibility, lights are a drivers best friend. In Canada our cars are equipped with daytime running lights so we are always lit up. Not the case on U.S. cars. Many times you didn't know a car was behind you til it was almost ramming into you.
Over all the drive was uneventful. Lots of deer. Lots of palm trees. That's about it. The miles whiz by in a blur and before we knew it we had arrived. Let me state for the record though....Orlando traffic + 28 degree temps + no air conditioning = a long half hour in anyone's books. Let alone four people leaving the snow behind for a few weeks!
Now we must get back to reality. Snow, cold, school and laundry. Lots and lots of laundry.
But it sure was fun while it lasted!
Friday, 6 January 2017
On The Way Home
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!! Okay okay I'm a little behind but that's what happens when you spend the holidays on vacation. I'm a firm believer that when on vacation the assorted electronic devises get put aside so you can actually enjoy the time away. So that is my reason, or excuse, for not writing in so long.
Actually we are on our way home now. We are stopped for the night in North Carolina where, believe it or not, it is going to snow tonight. An early morning start meant we aren't behind by stopping at dinner time. We found a cheap hotel with surprisingly fast wifi and are settled in for the night with pants, jackets and *sigh* boots ready or the morning.
I'm not sure what they mean by a storm in southern North Carolina but I do know we are probably one of the few vehicles on the road with winter tires. Trust me they made enough noise in the Florida heat to remind us. Besides even though we want to be home on Sunday if it doesn't happen so be it. We don't need to be anywhere enough to take chances.
So for now we are settled in our warm, cozy little room. Everyone watching a screen of some sort. Catching up on the news we have missed in the past two weeks. John and I trying to stay awake til a reasonable time.
I'll tell you all about our vacay after we get back home in a few days. Til then I'll just try to stop feeling the cruise ship motion.
And check out U.S. Netflix!
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