Thursday 26 January 2017

Some Alternative Facts

  "Fake news" has become part of our vocabulary in the past year. Now we can add "alternative facts" to the urban dictionary of 2017. The good folks at Webster's say a fact is "a piece of information presented as having objective reality". Not quite the same thing Mrs. Conway and Mr. Spicer. Oh and by the way news reporters....a falsehood IS a lie. Why can't you say the word?

  Where I'm from in Nova Scotia fake news and alternate facts have been around forever. We called it "talking out your ass". Translation.....knowing what you were saying was wrong but saying it often enough, and forcefully enough, to make others believe you. Or at least a few people. Who in turn would do the same thing to others. Voila....alternate facts. 

  Now more than ever folks need to do their research. Question facts you hear on tv or read in the newspaper. Paying extra attention to the information floating around the internet. Just because it's out there doesn't mean it's the truth. Check more than one source. Be vigilant in what you take as fact.

  Already my kids are using the terms as a way to change reality. A test score that says B is an alternate fact of the actual A- the teacher meant to write. Children are much smarter, and sneakier, than we will ever know.

  FYI.....I'm 5'10, rich and 25! What?  A girl can have her own alternate facts can't she?



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