Tuesday 31 January 2017

Shame...On All of Us

  To those of you making the attack on a mosque in Quebec City part of a political discussion....shame on you. 

  To those of you taking people's pain and suffering at the lose of loved ones and using it as a way to bash the Prime Minister....shame on you.

  To those of you attempting to make this an immigration issue and how we are too open to refugees.....shame on you.

  To those of you spewing hatred on the internet trying to divide people and cause bigger issues than we already face....shame on you.

  To those of you taking tragedy and using it to push forward your own hate agenda....shame on you.

  Shame on all of us who let you do it.

  Shame on us for not standing beside our Muslim neighbors before this tragedy.

   Shame on us for giving you an on-going platform on Facebook and Twitter.

  Shame on us for needing six deaths to wake us up and really see our world.

  We are all human beings. 

  We all live on this planet together.

  We all need to try and see other points of view.

  We all need to figure out a a way to live peacefully together.

 And we need to do it sooner rather than later.

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