Friday 27 January 2017

#Civility Is Dead

  My friend Lew Bayer is a leading civility expert. Several times in previous blogs I've written how she should be the most over-worked person in the world. Just this afternoon I have found more clients for her. I wonder if she will give me a finders fee?

  One simple tweet on my part opened my eyes to a fire storm of hate. Some, but not all, directed at me. I am fully aware that once you put your thoughts out there on social media you are fair game to have your views and opinions critiqued. And I'm able to read them with an open mind and heart. However....I also like to get a little background on the person who is hating on me. That's where the storm comes into play.

  Ever person who bashed my ideas showed a history of nasty, belligerent, rude and down right vulgar tweets. They commented on people's intelligence. Their physical appearance. Their families. Even their glasses! What ever is easiest to attack they do. It's something we tell our children not to do. And these are adults.

  How can grown people not be able to have a civilized conversation with someone who disagrees with them? And if you can't, shouldn't you have the self awareness to know you shouldn't bring up the topic? 

  Check out Lew's website to get a little more civility in your life. I'll pass it on to my new "friends"!


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