Thursday 26 January 2017

A Tweeting Fool

  I tell my children almost daily that words have consequences. They can hurt people. And most importantly once they are said you can't take them back. Additionally I tell them to think before they speak. Not to bully people. Be respectful and kind. Donald Trump's mom obviously didn't utter those same words!

  He is a bully. A reactionary bully. He didn't like the Mexican President saying they won't pay for a wall. So he tweeted.....yes tweeted....that he should cancel next weeks visit if they weren't going to pay for the wall! OMG that is something a child or a bully would say. And this is from the leader of 350+ million people! 

  The entire world looks at this guy and laughs. Yes laughs. The entire world. For those of you reading this in the U.S. I'm sorry but it's true. Even worse though is that when we stop laughing at the ridiculous things he talks about....his popularity, rating numbers, negotiating abilities, the size of his hands.....we are nervous. 

  People and governments all over the world are nervous about what he will say or do next. No one, including the Republican party, has any control over this tyrant. He says things without any idea of the consequences. Or care about them. Influencing the stock market, other government reactions to his out-of-control statements....all in a days tweets for this guy. Unfortunately the choice the people of the United States made is coming back to bite all of us in the ass. 

  I wonder if my tetanus shots are up-to-date....


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