Monday, 27 February 2017
Where Have I Been?
Alex may just be right...we need another computer. That's sounds very materialistic to me since we have electronic devices everywhere. But I haven't been able to get my hands on this laptop for six days now and I strongly dislike using the ipad for this blog. So what have I been so busy doing, besides writing, this past week? Well.....
Alex got his elastics put in on Friday. Those of you with teenagers know that is sometimes the first step to perfect teeth. Braces, of course, normally being the next. It wasn't overly complicated. But the device they use to open your mouth is quite medieval looking and caused some swelling and discomfort. For the next 5-8 months he will wear them at least 22 hours a day. All this to move his jaw....wait for it....about a millimeter! Craziness but if it will keep him from having his father's jaw issues then it's totally worth it.
The weather warmed up and a lot of snow melted. Since we have had the pleasure of 242 cms so far this year we have a ways to go to be snow free. John has begun the wonderful job of digging up the basement floor allowing for more water to come into our humble home. Luckily it is staying in it's very own trench. He swears he will be finished by next week and both my fingers and toes are crossed that he is not exaggerating the time frame.
Riley's hockey team is in the finals and have won both games so far. One more win guarantees them a spot in the finals and the child couldn't be any happier. But that translates to more practices and games than normal. And since John was out of town for a few days the skate sharpening duties fell to me.
Friday was my Book/Wine Club meeting. Everyone managed to get there. We laughed, ate, drank and solved all the worlds problems yet again. It went later than usual but then again we had a lot of catching up to do. Sorry Jen if you didn't get to sleep in on Saturday. And for the mess we left behind.
So it's not as if I've been sitting around watching Netflixs and eating grapes. I forgot to mention Alex has had plenty of reports and projects due that all have to be typed out. Home work, after all, comes first.
This week will be less busy. Oh who am I kidding?
***242 cms = 95 inches for all you non-metric folks***
Tuesday, 21 February 2017
Serenity Now
A few months ago I said I was no longer going to waste my time and energy on the insanity that was Kanye West and his incessant whining. Well I'm about to add another name to that list. At least in the short term.
The amount of time and energy I've dedicated to the daily insanity going on in the United States has got to stop. For my own peace of mind. I find I'm angry every time I speak about it. That's not good.
When I think about all the things that have been said and done I find myself becoming very negative. That's not a trait I like in others and despise in myself. Perhaps I need to take a step back, or two, and refocus. Remember that there is more good in the world than bad. A fact I'm well aware of.
So for the next little while...notice I'm not giving a time frame just in case.....I'm going to write about good things. Positive things. Topics that will make me, and hopefully you, smile. Take away the negativity as much as possible. Serenity now for all you Seinfeld fans.
Remember I still have children so it won't be all smiles and giggles.
Friday, 17 February 2017
Morning Rush Hour
Mornings are a little chaotic in our house. Two kids, trying to catch two different school buses, with a mother who isn't a morning person, leads to a lot of....well craziness. Through John into the mix and it's out and out insanity.
I'm assuming in most homes the morning routines are the same. Waking the children nicely and asking them to get up and get ready. Followed by a kind reminder they need to get moving. Then the yelling begins.
Get up. Get in the shower. Brush your teeth. Put your shoes on. I don't know where your homework is. You have to go. You'll miss the bus. Do you have your lunch? The bus is here. Run!
Today is Friday which means we are almost out of the snack food that fills the average lunch box. The two bags of apples, granola bars, yogurt tubes, juice boxes, tuna, cold cuts...all gone. Happily it's pizza day for Riley and Alex took a pb&j sandwich with a little cash for something to drink. Thank you cafeteria.
Alex made the bus with seconds to spare. Riley's bus is an hour later so he has been quietly watching YouTube since Alex ran off. His mad dash will begin in a few minutes. Waiting til the last second seems to be a family trait.
Thankfully not every morning is like this. Just two or three a week. Maybe four. I keep hoping it will get better. I think I'm in denial.
Time to run!
Thursday, 16 February 2017
Enough Already
Don't sic PETA on me but that groundhog who predicted an early spring needs to be shot! Since that day the snow hasn't stopped. To the point where I can't see over the huge pile to back safely out of my driveway! And that isn't "shoveled" snow my friends that is "blown" snow. Where it spreads evenly over a wide space.
My lamppost is over halfway under snow. I need to stand on a ladder to clean the glass. The decorative flag is buried. The solar lights haven't been seen in months. My deck no longer exists and the swing that was on it is now only about a foot tall. And that poor bbq....well I can see it's outline in the snow.
It's enough. More than enough. Yesterday there was at least a foot on top of my car. I can barely reach to get it off but the fine is huge so I figured a way. Then once it's off there is even more to shovel! Round and round we go.
Driving is intense. Really intense. There are still those drivers who are above the speed limit no matter the conditions. Then there are the "Ooh I see a snowflake better slow down" folks. I'm just staying home.
The one and only benefit of all this snow and not leaving the house for days at a time? Money in my bank account!
Lemons to lemonade!
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
Reality Check
I was watching the Today show this morning....James Spader, my favorite, was on. But before then I watched an interview with Kate Upton. She is on the cover of Sports Illustrated for the third time and is promoting the issue.
One thing she said confused me. She said she loved, over the years, looking at the strong women who have been in this particular issue. Strong women? Because they are in a swimsuit? What? Does posing in a bikini, or less, show the world you are strong? If that's the case the Kardashian's are stronger than all of us! Put together!
I'm not saying that previous models weren't strong. I think all women are strong in their own way. But posing in a swimsuit doesn't necessarily show you are strong. I've seen photo spreads of women, and men for that matter, that have survived war and disease. They proudly show their scars, missing limbs and battle wounds. Those show strength both of character and will.
Let's face man or woman is buying this issue because Kate is strong. Nope they are buying it because she is in, and out, of swimsuits. Period. Playboy magazine famously announced "no more nudes". Guess what? They just announced nudes are back! Why? Because sales went down. Skin sells. Clothes...not so much.
Ms. Upton is an adult who makes her own decisions. She chose to do this for her own personal reasons based mostly on exposure I suppose. Pardon the pun. Not intentional. Obviously as a model her looks are her biggest assets and a girl has to earn a living.
But basing strength on a photo of someone in a swimsuit is crazy to me.
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Still Waiting
I waited. All day. Even when in the laundry room I left every door open just in case. The tv was rarely on. No background noise. All was quiet in my home.
By eight o'clock they said. Guaranteed. I even have it in writing. Tuesday February 14. It's 7:48....there's still time. A lot can happen in twelve minutes.
In case you didn't guess I'm waiting for a delivery. All day long! I've checked the tracker. It's on the way it says. Why would they lie? But as the witching hour is only seven minutes away now my hope is waning. I will have wasted an entire day of my life. But I did get lots of laundry done so it wasn't all in vain I suppose.
The big question is....what do I do now? I'm not going to wait around another day hoping the door bell will ring. There's no way I'm wasting another ten hours of my life for that person in brown shorts to arrive. Not gonna happen.
I guess I'll just have to walk over that Christmas tree for a little while longer.
February 14
Happy Valentine's day everyone! If you are in a happy relationship then today is a good day. Single, recently widowed or separated...not so much. Just had a fight with your significant other over who shovels all the snow we've gotten? Well then it's a great day to make up.
This is a day where flowers triple in price. Chocolate, no matter how bad, costs as much as a steak dinner in a five star restaurant. Oh and lets not forget about those restaurants....busy busy with specials designed to turn the mood to romance and your bank account to empty.
My idea of romance and yours might be totally different. Romance, to me, is on a cold snowy day when I'm running late and the kids are going to miss the school bus and I see the garbage truck coming up the street, as I race for the garage door in Riley's Pokemon slippers, I see John has already put it out for me. That's romance. At 5:15 in the morning he thought "How can I make her morning easier?" That is better than any bouquet.
No matter how you plan on spending the day keep in mind that one day of romance does not make or break a relationship. Little things done every day mean much more. After the honeymoon stage you will understand.
If you don't ...there might be a problem.
Thursday, 9 February 2017
Gas Station Blues
Yesterday, while I was sitting in the car, in frigid Ottawa, waiting for my kids piano lessons to finish, someone was using my credit card in South Carolina. At a gas station. Buying who knows what. Cigarettes and alcohol I would imagine. Me, I would have gone to the nearest Louis Vuitton store and walked out with something worth going to jail for!
This isn't the first time my banking has been compromised. But I by no means blame my bank for a lapse in security. Quite the opposite. They informed ME that there was suspicious activity on my card. Every day thieves are coming up with new ways to scam us. There is no possible way the banks, or any company, can stay ahead of them I suppose. But they sure move fast to shut it down when they find out!
As I was looking at the statement I couldn't help but laugh at the charges. All at gas stations. Now if the person was desperate then I would expect grocery stores, Walmart or Target. A store where you could get a variety of necessities. But a gas station? How much junk food could you possibly want?
I will never know who took my information. Or why. I'll never know if they get caught. Were they kids just seeing what they could get away with or adults with kids to feed who didn't know any other way. No matter who or why, it's still a crime and the person, or persons, should be punished.
Seriously....straight to Louis Vuitton. Or Michael Kors. Or Coach. Or.....
Angry...So Angry
When did the world become so angry? I get it. The world is in a bit of a tail spin but we have survived worse. Much worse. And come out better on the other side. But the anger....oh my.
Don't like my politics? Call me names. Insult my physical looks, my intellect, my family even my dog. Call me stupid, racist and idiotic. Call me a liar or a fascist. Those are only the "nice" words that have been used.
Disagree on healthcare spending and the virtues of a free system? Pray I get cancer, heart trouble or the most painful disease possible. Wish nothing but ill health on my children and that the wait time will kill them. Seriously?
Think my ideas on education and support for teachers is totally out to lunch? Tell me how stupid I am and how my kids will never amount to anything. How it's their dream that my kids fail and are fated to a life of poverty and hopelessness. What the hell?
This rant brought to you by three tweets I made yesterday. Just my honest, yet filtered, view on an issue. None of which were particularly confrontational or mean spirited. The responses were both.
The anger comes through the screen. These people were vicious. As if you are attacking them with a knife. They do not try to see another point of view or even understand where you are coming from. That perhaps your reality is different than theirs. Nope. Right for the jugular.
So when did this happen? When did adult conversation become yelling, screaming and finger pointing? Not to mention name calling and shaming? Can't we even pretend to be civilized?
Some day I might not filter my on-line comments. I might not concern myself with seeing the other person's side of things. I will avoid facts and stick to gossip and rumors. Instead of taking a second look at what I've written, I'll hit send and be damned of the consequences. It won't be pretty. You've been warned. All of you "my dogs/cats are my children" people....I'm coming for you first!
But wait....I'm an adult. I can disagree with your opinions or beliefs without attacking you. We can agree to disagree because no two situations or lives are the same. My perspective, my favorite word, is different from everyone else's.
That's why I started my own blog. That and John was tired of hearing my rants 😉.
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
Medicinal Money
Let me tell you a little story...picture it Tampa, Florida March 2006....a little shout out to Sophia Patrillo.
Sorry got off track for a minute there...we are on vacation. Alex is 3 and he falls in our hotel room and hits the bathroom door with his forehead. Blood everywhere. Stitches are absolutely necessary. Without hesitation we head to the E.R. since it was after six on a Sunday evening.
Upon arrival we register and are asked an unheard question for us "How will you be paying for this visit?" Being Canadian we never get asked that question at home. But we have insurance so we take out our insurance card and process it through. The nurse tells us it won't take long.
As we sit and wait we see people in much worse shape than Alex. An older man in a wheelchair has the flu and looks as if he is going to die at any second. The couple beside us are waiting with their baby who has "that" cough. If you are a parent you know exactly the cough I mean. It makes those little hairs at the back of your neck stand up. A lady, who has obviously broken either her arm or elbow, moaning in pain over in the corner.
By this time the bleeding has stopped. In fact Alex has fallen asleep in my arms. After a few minutes his name is called. John and I are very surprised. Surely these other people are in far worse shape than Alex. We can't be going before them. "Lucky you" says the young mother beside me. "You have insurance".
This must be a mistake. We were prepared to wait. But we are the only people in that waiting room with insurance. To the front of the line we go. Shocked is the only word that comes close to how we felt. Shocked or not, twenty minutes later we were heading back to our rental car with Alex's forehead glued back together. Oh and a $980 bill sent out to our insurance company.
People bitch and complain about Canadian health care all the time. We moan about wait times. The cost of prescription drugs. Lack of clinics in rural areas. The doctor shortage. But go into any health care facility in Canada and the only thing you need is your government issued health card and the entire medical system is available to you.
We all have the right to complain but until you have had to receive medical care in another country you can't truly appreciate what a great system we have. Yes it's flawed. Yes it could be much better.
But it sure could be a hell of a lot worse!
***Don't know who Sophia is? Google her. You'll thank me***
Tuesday, 7 February 2017
Rain Ramblings
I'm sitting here in Alex's room with his mini Christmas tree as my light, listening to the freezing rain pelt the window, wondering if tomorrow will be a snow day. If this keeps up for much longer I'll have my answer long before the six in the morning tweet arrives.
Yes winter in Canada is a challenge. Snow. Ice. Freezing rain. Frigid temperatures. That can be all in one day! Not enjoying winter means I spend a lot of time indoors this time of year. Mostly in my pajamas too. When my husband asks why I didn't get dressed today my response is quite simple....why would I? I'm not going anywhere. Besides my pj's are clean.
I can hear the pitter patter of size 12 feet coming up the stairs. And as I'm in his room I guess that's my cue to end this and go to bed myself. Time to find a new Netflix series. Shetland was quite good.
But not as good as Colony! Night!
Vacation Mistakes
One of my biggest beefs with politicians is their inability to say they made a mistake. We all say or do things, that in hindsight, we probably shouldn't have. But as adults, we accept blame, apologize and try to do better in the future. Politicians don't seem to live by the same rules as you and I.
For example Rona Ambrose, the interim Conservative Party leader. After calling the PM on the carpet for taking a private helicopter, to a private island for vacation we find out she was on a yacht in the Caribbean at the same time. The statement she made was "All he had to say was no, but he couldn't resist the billionaire lifestyle." I believe the phrase is pot meet kettle.
Does Justin Trudeau have friends who are super rich? Of course he does. He comes from a wealthy background. Does that mean he is used to travelling the way the rest of us dream about as we struggle with enough leg room in coach? Of course it does. Was this a mistake as the Prime Minister? Yes it was. Will he make this same mistake again? Let's hope not.
Obviously Ms. Ambrose has some rich friends too. I've never cruised the Caribbean on a yacht. Nor have any of my friends invited me to. She was open about her vacation plans with the ethics committee she's said. Good for you. But making the lifestyle comment takes away all of your credibility. Every bit of it. You look jealous that you had to charter a plane. Hello....most Canadians don't charter a plane with their friends either!
I don't expect politicians to be perfect. Far from it. But I want them to be decent human beings who don't use other people's mistakes or mis-steps to make themselves look better. That is childish and petty.
My biggest complaint about both of these vacations? Why wasn't I invited?
Next time!
Friday, 3 February 2017
Quote of the Day
"Life is a series of problems which we must try and solve, first one and then the next and then the next, until at last we die." - the Dowager Countess Violet Grantham. I love this quote. Love it. Simple. To the point. And 100% true. Now more so than ever.
We need more of the politeness and manners of Downton Abbey. Holding our tongues and not saying the first thing that comes into our heads. Thinking about the consequences before we speak. Realizing that once the words are out there you cannot take them back.
The world has gone a little crazy of late and we need to remember that this too shall pass. And another problem will take it's place. Such is life.
This one is just crazier than most!
Thursday, 2 February 2017
Home Alone
For most parents, our own lives get put on the back burner while our children are younger. No more clubbing or expensive dinners. Spur of the moment vacations disappear. Movies are a is going to the bathroom alone.
But as the years go by we slowly, little by little, start to regain our personal lives. One child is old enough to look after the others while you run to the grocery. Which then means, as a couple, you can have coffee. Soon there are early bird dinners then 7 o'clock-start movies. We get a brief taste of our freedom.
Suddenly you have a house full of teenagers who couldn't care less if you are home or not as long as there is enough food in the house to sustain them. Or they need a drive somewhere. Then we feel an overwhelming need to be there with them because, well they are teenagers.
While we all long sometimes for those care free days of our youth, this second-time-around freedom comes with a cost. Our babies are gone. We have raised, hopefully, independent, self-reliant young adults who want to be creating their own lives. Away from us.
I am a long way from that scenario. Alex has four more years of high school. Riley has eight before he moves on to higher education. That feels like a long time but in reality the years will pass in the blink of an eye. Before we know it John and I will be here alone.
Now if only we have some money left when they leave!
Wednesday, 1 February 2017
The winter doldrums have found me. I'm almost 100% certain I'm not getting out of my pajamas today. The idea of going out into the cold has absolutely no appeal. Not one little bit. It was hard enough to put the recycling out and that took all of three minutes! Nope today is an indoor day.
So far I"ve watched the final episode of Sherlock. I love that show. They left the door open for more so fingers crossed for the near future. I'll watch anything that has Martin Freeman and I've said it many times I'm a Cumberbitch.
I've folded a load of laundry. Emptied the dishwasher. Played a scrabble game on the iPad. Shook my head over the state of Alex's room. Brushed my teeth. And yet it's only lunch time.
Today I'm not watching anything news related. I'm pretty tired of all the coverage of that fake orange tan guy to the south of me. I'm sure today will be all about his ratings from last nights announcement. Or whatever wag-the-dog thing he's up to today. I need a break.
My Twitter and Facebook feeds are overflowing with advertisements on vacations to the sun. Have they not met me? Or know I have no self-control when it comes to them? I hate them all. But I don't have the heart to block them. You never know!
On line shopping sites are sending me coupons and sale notices. Just yesterday I paid all the bills including the vacation ones. I can afford absolutely nothing they are selling. But again you never know so it doesn't hurt to "browse" a little bit.
A very nice email arrived from Scotiabank informing me that my bank account has been compromised and I need to reset my password for my own protection. They very nicely sent me the link to do that. Wasn't that kind of them? Only problem is I don't have an account with them. It looks pretty realistic though....the scammers are always improving. Good for them.
Time for lunch I guess. Hope I don't spill anything on my pj's. I really don't want to get dressed today.
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